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  1. Language acquisition is the process by which humans acquire the capacity to perceive and comprehend language. In other words, it is how human beings gain the ability to be aware of language, to understand it, and to produce and use words and sentences to communicate. Language acquisition involves structures, rules, and representation.

  2. Stephen Krashen, professor emérito da University of Southern California (USC), é um linguista renomado, pesquisador militante da área de educação. Ficou conhecido por sua contribuição para a Linguística aplicada, na área de aquisição de segunda língua, educação bilíngue e compreensão de textos.

  3. Second language acquisition, or SLA, is the process by which people learn languages in addition to their native tongue(s). The term second language is used to describe any language whose acquisition starts after early childhood (including what may be the third or subsequent language learned).

  4. Language - Acquisition, Development, Structure: In regard to the production of speech sounds, all typical humans are physiologically alike. It has been shown repeatedly that children learn the language of those who bring them up from infancy.

  5. Within the first few years of life, typically developing children can understand and produce full sentences in their native language or languages. For centuries, philosophers, psychologists, and linguists have debated how we acquire language with such ease and speed.