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  1. Atrás da imponente Muralha Greymane, uma terrível maldição transformou o irredutível povo do reino longínquo de Guilnéas em criaturas lupinas conhecidas como worgens.

    • Huargen

      Lee sobre la raza de los huargen en World of Warcraft....

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      WoW 캐릭터 . 접속 . 전체 캐릭터 . 계정 설정 . 회원가입 . 로그아웃 . 고객지원 . 샵 ....

    • Worgen

      Reach level 50 as a worgen to start the quest to earn a...

    • Overview
    • History
    • Biology
    • Psychology
    • Culture
    • Groups and packs
    • Hunter pet
    • In the RPG
    • Notes and trivia






    •View history


    Long ago, amid a brutal war between the night elves and the demonic satyrs in Kalimdor, a group of druids practiced a powerful yet unwieldy form that embodied the fury of the wolf Ancient Goldrinn. Led by Ralaar Fangfire, these Druids of the Pack sought to temper the uncontrollable rage inherent in their chosen form. To do so, they willingly submitted to the energies of the Scythe of Elune, a mystical artifact created from Goldrinn's fang and the staff of Elune. Rather than abate the druids' fury, however, the weapon transformed Ralaar and his followers into worgen: bestial humanoids enslaved by their own primal instincts. Blinded by all-consuming rage, Ralaar's druids tore through friend and foe alike during battle with the satyrs. Night elves wounded by the unruly beasts contracted a virulent curse that turned them into worgen as well. Desperate to stanch the affliction's spread, Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage mournfully banished the worgen beneath Daral'nir within the Emerald Dream, where they would be in peaceful slumber for all eternity.


    Over the years, the Scythe of Elune was hidden in Ashenvale, and the Druids of the Scythe - the original worgen - were forgotten. The only proof that remained was a journal written by Fandral Staghelm. Before their release, wolf-men were known in human folklore as worgen. They were known in only in the timid whispers or the fanciful embellishments of the old, and a farmer's child was likely to hear myths of beastly wolf-men stalking the fields and marshes outside the village. In his studies, the mage Ur saw the worgen in a homeworld he described as a dark place of nightmare, and although he wished to prove worgen were real, he warned that they should not be summoned. While many remained in the resting state, some kaldorei worgen awoke and traveled the dream some time after their banishment, while others practiced shadow magic some time before their release.

    World of Warcraft

    This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft. Twenty five years after the Dark Portal, the worgen in Lordaeron turned to live in the wilds of Silverpine Forest. During this time, Alpha Prime and his Bloodfang Pack had entered Gilneas using tunnels under the Greymane wall, and had been growing in number inside the nation for years. It is discovered that humans can become worgen, such as Landen Stilwell. The Kirin Tor sent Sorcerer Ashcrombe from Dalaran to investigate Arugal's progress with the undead here in Silverpine Forest. Little did the know that Ashcrombe had lost grasp on sanity. Once freed, he rushed to report to the Kirin Tor. In preparation for an assault on Shadowfang Keep, two Forsaken Deathstalkers were sent to the keep to gather intelligence. Days passed, and they did not return. Without their information, the Forsaken could not do a successful attack. While scouting the Shadowfang Keep, Deathstalker Adamant was captured and thrown into a cell guarded by a worgen named Rethilgore. Deathstalker Vincent was later slain and left lying on the floor. Archmage Arugal resolved that if the investigating agents of the Forsaken and Kirin Tor would not serve his master with their sword and knowledge of his enemies, their moldering remains would serve him as a testament to what happens when one is foolish enough to trespass in his domain. Eventually, Arugal was decapitated by the Forsaken and buried in an unmarked grave. In Ashenvale, the Sentinels began to search for Velinde Starsong, finding the Terrowulf pack occupying the Howling Vale. Though the sentinels did not know what the worgen were, it is discovered that they are in some way related to the Scythe of Elune. In Duskwood, the Carevin family hired adventurers to hunt the Nightbane Pack, hoping and failing to keep their numbers down.


    Worgen are wolf-like creatures who possess coarse hair, pointed ears, and long snouts. However, one will also immediately notice their differences from wolves, namely their powerful, two-legged bodies which sport long fangs and dagger-like claws. When worgen shapeshift, their bodies swell, growing a third in girth and height, originally loose-fitting jerkins ripping loudly. A male worgen is at least as tall as a male kaldorei, but nearly twice as wide and far more muscled. Females are on average around 8 feet tall, as are males when hunched over. Unlike the original wolf pack form, the worgen transformation does not cause the individual to grow a tail. Worgen are faster and stronger than humans, with better eyesight and an animal instinct inside them that courses through their veins. Due to their ties with the wilds, worgen can travel great distances by sprinting on four limbs at speeds rivaling even the swiftest horses, nightsabers, and mechanostriders. Worgen can leap great distances, across rooftops, between ships at sea, and over battlements.


    Worgen possess a strong preference to meat. Worgen are omnivorous in human form, and are called carnivores and predators in worgen form. Some worgen like their meat raw and fresh from the hunt, and Gilnean worgen hunt boar and deer in packs and on all fours. A worgen's feral side will never be fully at rest, and some fantasize about the hunt even in human form. Livestock went missing months prior to the attack on Gilneas, and worgen without morals or those struggling for control have been tempted by human flesh. Worgen in the Alliance hunt for food in a way that the rest of the Alliance cannot, and can feed upon things others could not, but Genn Greymane still relishes the taste of summer's first fruits.


    Worgen have heightened senses, including sight, smell, and hearing. The worgen curse does more than heighten physical senses, and worgen can see things that no normal human can, such as auras. Eyesight increases in worgen form. Even those that once needed glasses can see as never before and more clearly than ever dreamed possible, though may still need glasses in human form. Genn can see better in his worgen form, even through intense rain. Worgen have a great sense of smell. Worgen can detect the smell of the earth, the flora, the lingering scents of foraging animals and their waste, and every odor is unique and immediately perceptible and identifiable. Worgen can smell blood, meat, and prey from a great distance, and may be able to smell fear, the scent of fel, and more. Eric Thibeau claims to smell undeath, hatred, violence, and doubt. Mardigan fought a man who sought a potion to mask his scent from worgen. Worgen have more sensitive hearing. Darius Crowley could not help but overhear conversations under Tal'doren, thanks to his heightened hearing. Being a worgen, hairs on the back of Genn's neck stood on end to alert him of someone behind him. Odo the Blindwatcher lost his eyesight long ago and adapted to using his other senses, similar to bats.


    Worgen are driven by a hunter's instinct in their veins. Many tend to prefer more natural habitats, and are natural hunters with a propensity to hunt. Their feral side will never truly be at rest. As though it satisfies some deep primal urge, worgen tend to prefer running on all fours over using mounts like Azeroth's other races. Worgen can smell blood, and are excited by it. Even among non-feral worgen, respect can be earned within their group by the number of prey hunted or by hunting an incredibly elusive or dangerous prey. Alpha Prime describes being unable to hunt as excruciating torture for his kind.


    Worgen must always control their emotions lest they lose themselves to their form's feral instincts. Rage and guilt are two known emotions that elicit a worgen's transformation. When a worgen is driven to anger, or concentrates with a force of will, the beast within will come forward. Rage is natural to the worgen form. Worgen may begin to or even fully shift against their will when taunted, such as Genn Greymane or Tobias Mistmantle. Rage can cause one to take worgen form, such as Grandma Wahl. Loss, despair, rage, and guilt can cause someone to remain in their worgen form, such as Darius Crowley who feared rejection from his daughter, Sven Yorgen who found his family butchered, or Lieutenant Thorn who saw her love sacrifice himself for her.


    Most worgen are sentient and present various levels of intelligence depending on sanity and control. Both disciplined and feral worgen have been shown to communicate with words, growls, and howls as well as through nonverbal communication that is often imperceptible to humans, while mindless worgen have been likened repeatedly to having intelligence akin to a wolf. Archmage Arugal had access to enchantments that allowed his favored worgen servants to retain a fair deal of their human intelligence as well. The source of these enchantments remains a mystery to this day, as Arugal took these secrets with him to his grave. Disciplined worgen are those that struggle to remain civilized, such as Genn Greymane, Tobias Mistmantle, and Halford Ramsey. Some self-disciplined worgen have rejoined the Alliance as powerful allies, prepared to fight to keep their humanity and their place in society. The Gilnean worgen in the Alliance strive to control their feral nature and use the curse as a force to benefit the Alliance and reclaim their homeland. Gilnean worgen can remain still when needed, although there is an evident urge to run, to hunt. Genn Greymane hunts on all fours, accompanied by other worgen members of surviving Gilnean nobility. A well-disciplined worgen may display the same amount of intelligence they had prior to becoming a worgen. Feral worgen are those who embrace the curse and live in the wild full time, such as Alpha Prime and Ivar Bloodfang, and including the Bloodfang, Nightbane, and Terrowulf packs. Feral worgen attacked Gilneas under orders from Alpha Prime, including the Bloodfang pack. Despite living in the wild, feral worgen are capable of speech, magic, diplomacy and ultimately reasoning despite holding some otherwise primal tendencies. Nightbane worgen steal reading material. The feral worgen of Silverpine and Duskwood are members of the Wolf Cult. Mindless worgen are those entirely overcome by the curse, such as Sven Yorgen, Mardigan, and some Gilneans. The rage and instinct of the worgen curse is so strong that, sometimes, reason is lost. The curse's effects on the mind are capable of completely destroying the person that a worgen once was. The condition itself cannot be lifted, but sanity can be restored to those not too far gone. Some worgen go through stages of a mindless state, eventually losing their last vestiges of their former lives, a process that can be irreversible. If panicked, distraught, or enraged, worgen may be vulnerable to the mindless state.


    Worgen are naturally drawn to and revere the wolf Ancient, Goldrinn, who in a way, is the progenitor of their race. Some worgen, having had a natural connection to nature, have also taken up druidism. Typically, those whose minds have been brought back from wildness will continue to revere the same concepts they did prior to their turning into a worgen (such as the Gilneans, many of whom still believe in the Light). It is seen though that some of those who have been turned also embrace and revere the nature-related spirits that resulted in their current status, such as Genn Greymane and his newly found reverence for Goldrinn.


    Some of the worgen described by Ur were skilled in the mystic arts. According to Ur, "their magic is of darkness and corruption", and curses and supernatural poisons are common. In Duskwood, the Shadow Weavers of the Nightbane pack conjure foul shadows to tear their enemies apart from a distance. Harvest witches who contracted the worgen curse (which was druidic in origin) found that their powers were somewhat amplified, and after making first contact with the night elves cursed harvest witches were offered induction into the Cenarion Circle for both study and training as druids. The worgen curse does more than heighten physical senses, and worgen can see things that no normal human can, such as auras. Worgen have also been shown to have high regeneration capabilities due to their cursed blood.

    Naming conventions

    Once turned into a worgen, many keep their human or elven names from before. Examples include Genn Greymane, Darius Crowley, Gabriel Bybee, Sabina Pilgrim, Clifford, Eric Davidson, Desmond, Phin Odelic, Ducal, Ian Duran, Eadrik, Ed, Fiona, Mardigan, Grant Lazarby, and more. Some keep their given name, but have surnames with lupine themes. Examples include Bloodfang, Bloodhowl, Darkhowl, Fangborne, Growlblade, Iceclaw, Nighthowler, Moonstalker, Moonheart, Shadeclaw, Silenthowl, and more. Once he turns, Lord Geoffery Tulvan is known as Lord Geoffery Wildwolf. Once turned into a worgen, some take a new name altogether. Examples include Alpha Prime, Blackmange, Bloodeyes, Eviscerator, Gorfang, Gutspill, Nightfang, Ripsnarl, Razorclaw, and more.


    •Gilnean - Playable race found in various areas of the world, homeland in Gilneas.

    •Bloodfang - Found in Gilneas and Silverpine Forest, supporters of the Gilneas Liberation Front. Composed of the remaining worgen of Silverpine.

    •Hillsbrad Worgen - Found in Fenris Isle, these former humans of Lordaeron have chosen to become worgen in order to support the Gilneas Liberation Front in their war against the Forsaken.

    •Talonbranch - Found in Felwood, some of the worgen within the area are the original cursed night elves.

    •Blackhowl - Presumed, undercut by a black dragon.

    Garwal was a tamable pet during 3.1 until a hotfix was deployed on 7 July, shortly after the discovery was widely known on the internet. During this time, the tamed Garwal pets were no longer an effective pet as they were stripped of their abilities and could not even be fed.

    Community Manager Zarhym responded on the forums shortly after the hotfix with this statement:

    Re: Worgen pet. | 2009-07-07 22:49 |  Zarhym

    The worgen should not technically belong to any of the pet families and was therefore removed. This means the pet no longer has access to pet talents or abilities. Whether or not similar circumstances with hunter pets in the past have occurred isn't really relevant. Given the nature of the creature that was tamed in this case, we feel it should not belong to any of the eligible pet families from which a hunter can choose his or her combat companion.

    ...We don't want hunters to have worgens as pets. That is the reason whether you find it reasonable or not.

    View original post

    This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

    Resembling a cross between human and dire wolf, the hunched over creature is roughly humanoid. Its body is covered in coarse, grayish-black fur with twitching claws and snarling teeth. The creature's eyes are mottled yellow in color, unblinking and devoid of any discernible emotion other than hunger.

    The worgen are thoroughly evil, delighting in torturing and devouring intelligent creatures. They enjoy hearing the screams of their victims as they tear them apart piece by piece. Worgen never show mercy or remorse. They may seem savage, but they are fairly intelligent and possess a cruel bestial cunning that can come as a surprise to the unprepared. Worgen society is patriarchal, with the strongest of the eldest males leading the pack. Worgen never challenge leadership; the patriarch leads until he is physically incapable of doing so any longer, at which point his younger kin devour him. The worgen see this not as cruelty, but a great honor — they consume the bodies of their fallen unlike that of their victim's bodies. They believe the flesh and blood of their own kind improves their strength and cunning. Worgen look like humanoid wolves. They dwell in simple huts and usually wear cured leather scraps as rudimentary armor. Worgen do not use weapons, preferring to tear foes apart with their claws. They stand 6 feet tall, except when loping along on all fours, and weigh around 250 pounds. They speak their own language, made up of a variety of growls, barks, and howls.

    Most worgen keep their wolf-like forms at all times, but experiments by the mage Arugal have resulted in human/worgen "hybrids" who only appear as worgen under the light of the moon. They carry with them a dark, corrupting malaise that grows wherever they infest, making the surrounding area dark and gloomy. Fiercely territorial creatures, they rarely stray from the general vicinity of the place in which they first appeared. Fearless beasts, they brazenly prowl near both villages and monster lairs. Although worgen display an apparent fondness for nighttime and its darkness, they can perform equally well in the daytime.

    •Salsbury the "Help" is a gnome who wants to become a worgen (or, as he expresses it, "the world's first gnomegen").

    •During the beta, a  [Faded Journal] could be found in Gilneas. The item told the story of the worgen but was removed before the expansion went live. Gaedrin Moonfang was the author, one of the first Druids of the Pack who had kept his night elf mind longer than most of his comrades.

    •Feral Worgen in Val'sharah can be turned back into night elves with the Balance druid artifact weapon  [Scythe of Elune].

    •Worgen female vendors are voiced by Bobbi Owens.

    •Worgen male vendors are voiced by Nehal Joshi.

    •While Krennan Aranas was the first to canonically use alchemy to help worgen regain their mind after their transformation, he was preceded in the non-canon RPG by Alphus Wordwill, a Dalaran wizard who tried a similar thing in Silverpine Forest.

  2. Learn about the Worgen, a cursed race of half-worg half-men who joined the Alliance after the Gilneas civil war. Find out their racial traits, classes, mounts, starting zone, and more.

  3. Reach level 50 as a worgen to start the quest to earn a distinctive Heritage Armor set—a lasting symbol of your dedication.

  4. Os Worgens são uma raça de humanoides lupinos que recentemente se juntaram a Aliança . Vitimas de uma terrivel maldição que os tranforma em feras meio lobo meio humanos.

  5. The worgen of Gilneas are one of the playable Alliance races in World of Warcraft, introduced in Cataclysm. It was only recently that worgen were considered anything more than mindless, savage beasts, and even then, many still are to this day.

  6. The worgen of Gilneas are one of the playable Alliance races in World of Warcraft, introduced in Cataclysm. It was only recently that worgen were considered anything more than mindless, savage beasts, and even then, many still are to this day.