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  1. El delirio colonial de España. España no se ha enfrentado con honestidad a su pasado imperial. Se impone denunciar la barbarie colonial desde el conocimiento de los hechos; descolonizar la historia, mostrando todo lo que la historiografía más tradicionalista ha escondido durante años.

  2. Spain, Guinea, Colonial presence, XIXth century, naval detachement. SUMARIO Los inicios de la colonia. La Restauración (1875-1888). El viraje liberal (1885-1898). Un convulso fin de siglo. Conclusión. Bibliografía complementaria.

  3. The history of Spain in the Gulf of Guinea is the story of a state which, through ineptitude, poverty of resources, dearth of initiative, in- ternal antagonisms, foreign defeats, and a distinctly Spanish assortment

  4. THE GOVERNORS OF FERNANDO POO (1858-1930) The following text is about the position of general governor of the Spanish colony of the Gulf of Guinea from 1858 -when the first Spanish governor arrived- until the proclamation of the Second Republic in Spain in 1931.

  5. Spanish Guinea (Spanish: Guinea Española) was a set of insular and continental territories controlled by Spain from 1778 in the Gulf of Guinea and on the Bight of Bonny, in Central Africa. It gained independence in 1968 as Equatorial Guinea.

  6. Guinea, la petjada colonial (PDF) Guinea, la petjada colonial | Iñaki Tofiño, Gustau Nerín, and Yolanda Aixelà Cabré - no longer supports Internet Explorer.

  7. In 1964 Spanish Guinea (as the colony was known) achieved status as an autonomous region, and the nation became independent in 1968, when Spain yielded to international pressure.