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  1. GDP per capita (nominal) is a raw figure that does not take into account the differences in the cost of living between one country and another. In contrast, GDP per capita (PPP) factors in each country’s relative cost of living and inflation rate.

  2. GDP per capita (current US$) - Portugal. World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files. License : CC BY-4.0. LineBarMap. Also Show Share Details. Label. 1960 - 2022.

  3. 1 de jun. de 2018 · Os dados de Pib Per Capita de Portugal são atualizados anualmente, com uma média de 9,240.995 USD em 1960 até 2023, com 64 observações. Os dados alcançaram um alto recorde de 27,832.655 USD em 2023 e um baixo recorde de 373.727 USD em 1960.

  4. O PIB per capita é obtido dividindo-se o produto interno bruto do país, ajustado pela inflação, pela população total. Valores atuais, dados históricos, previsões, estatísticas, gráficos e calendário econômico - Portugal - PIB per capita.

  5. The report analyses Portugal's economic situation and outlook, including GDP per capita, which declined to 75.1% of the EU average in 2021. It also covers debt, labour market, regional disparities and reforms.

  6. The Gross Domestic Product per capita in Portugal was last recorded at 22377.67 US dollars in 2023. The GDP per Capita in Portugal is equivalent to 177 percent of the world's average.

  7. The absolute value of GDP in Portugal rose $31,907 million with respect to 2022. The GDP per capita of Portugal in 2023 was $26,984, $2,444 higher than in 2022, it was $24,540.