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  1. The Treaty of London (1913) was signed on 30 May following the London Conference of 1912–1913. It dealt with the territorial adjustments arising out of the conclusion of the First Balkan War. The London Conference had ended on 23 January 1913, when the 1913 Ottoman coup d'état took place and Ottoman Grand Vizier Kâmil Pasha was ...

  2. O Tratado de Londres de 1913 foi um acordo assinado em 30 de maio daquele ano para concluir os ajustes territoriais que ocorreram na Península dos Balcãs após a Primeira Guerra Balcânica . Contexto Histórico. As hostilidades da Primeira Guerra Balcânica cessaram em 2 de dezembro de 1912.

  3. O líder do golpe, Enver Paxá, retirou o Império Otomano da Conferência. Em 30 de maio de 1913, sem o Império Otomano estando presente, a conferência assina o Tratado de Londres, um acordo sob o qual o Império Otomano desistiria de todo o território a oeste da linha Enos-Midia.

  4. The Treaty of London was a treaty signed on 30 May. It was to move the borders of countries after the First Balkan War. The Balkan League won the war from the Ottoman Empire. The Balkan League was Serbia, Greece, Kingdom of Bulgaria, and Montenegro. One important border to decide was Albania.

  5. Treaties of London. history of international relations. Learn about this topic in these articles: Assorted References. 1359. In Edward III: Hundred Years’ War. …but forced him by the Treaty of London (1359) to surrender so much territory that the agreement was repudiated in France.