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  1. A Ditadura de Primo de Rivera foi o regime político que governou a Espanha desde o golpe de Estado do capitão-general da Catalunha, Miguel Primo de Rivera, a 13 de Setembro de 1923, até a sua demissão a 28 de Janeiro em 1930, e substituição pela chamada Dictablanda [1] do general Dámaso Berenguer.

  2. Miguel Primo de Rivera y Orbaneja, 2º Marquês de Estella (Jerez de la Frontera, 8 de janeiro de 1870 – Paris, 16 de março de 1930) foi um militar e ditador espanhol, fundador da organização União Patriótica. Era detentor do título nobiliárquico de Marquês de Estella e de Ajdir.

  3. Miguel Primo de Rivera y Orbaneja (Jerez de la Frontera, 8 de enero de 1870-París, 16 de marzo de 1930) fue un militar español que gobernó como dictador entre 1923 y 1930. Asimismo, durante ese período llegó a ostentar los cargos de Alto comisario de España en Marruecos y ministro de Estado. [1]

    • Early Years
    • Military Career
    • Establishment of Dictatorship
    • Promoting Infrastructure
    • National Assembly
    • Fall from Power and Death
    • Aftermath
    • See Also
    • Further Reading
    • External Links

    Miguel Primo de Rivera was born into a landowning military family of Jerez de la Frontera. His father was a retired colonel. His uncle, Fernando, was Captain General in Madrid and the soon-to-be first marquis of Estella. Fernando later participated in the plot to restore the constitutional monarchy in 1875, ending the tumultuous First Republic. His...

    His army career gave him a role as junior officer in the colonial wars in Morocco, Cuba and the Philippines. He then held several important military posts including the captain-generalship of Valencia, Madrid and Barcelona. He showed courage and initiative in battles against the Berbers of the Rif region in northern Morocco, and promotions and deco...

    On 13 September 1923, the indignant military, headed by Captain General Miguel Primo de Rivera in Barcelona, overthrew the parliamentary government, upon which Primo de Rivera established himself as dictator. In his typically florid prose, he issued a Manifesto explaining the coup to the people. Resentful of the parliamentarians' attacks against hi...

    Primo de Rivera also worked to build infrastructure for his economically backward country. Spain had few cars when he came to power; by 1930, and Rivera aimed to expand this[dubious – discuss][citation needed]. The Barcelona Metro, started many years earlier, opened in 1924. His economic planners built dams to harness the hydroelectric power of riv...

    Nevertheless, buoyed by his victory, Primo de Rivera decided to promote a body tasked with the elaboration of a constitutional draft. On 10 October 1927, with the king in attendance, he opened a National Assembly. Although they met in the Cortes chamber, members of the regime-appointed assembly could only advise Primo de Rivera. They had no legisla...

    As the economic boom ended, Spaniards gradually became tired of the dictatorship. The value of the peseta fell against foreign currencies, 1929 brought a bad harvest, and Spain's imports far outstripped the worth of its exports. Conservative critics blamed rising inflation on the government's spending for public works projects. Although no one reco...

    In the early 1930s, as with most of the Western world during and after the Great Depression, Spain fell into economic and political chaos. Alfonso XIII appointed General Dámaso Berenguer, one of Primo de Rivera's opponents, to govern. This government promptly failed in its attempt to return to ordinary constitutional order. Different presidential c...

    Carr, Raymond. Spain, 1808–1975, 2nd ed. 1982, pp. 564–591.
    Montes, Pablo. "La Dictadura de Primo de Rivera y la Historiografía: Una Confrontación Metodológica," Historia Social(2012), Issue 74, pp 167–184.
    Quiroga, Alejandro. Making Spaniards: Primo de Rivera and the Nationalization of the Masses, 1923–30, 2007. Excerpt and text search.
    Newspaper clippings about Miguel Primo de Rivera in the 20th Century Press Archives of the ZBW
  4. Miguel Primo de Rivera was a general and statesman who, as dictator of Spain from September 1923 to January 1930, founded an authoritarian and nationalistic regime that attempted to unify the nation around the motto “Country, Religion, Monarchy.”

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  5. Há 4 dias · Primo de Rivera was a political improviser who believed his mission was to save Spain from the old politicians and to hand over government (after an interval of personal rule) to “clean” patriots. He failed to complete the process because his rule became increasingly unpopular, especially among the intellectuals and Catalans.

  6. Conoce la vida y obra de Miguel Primo de Rivera, el militar que se hizo con el poder en 1923 mediante un golpe de Estado y que implantó una dictadura autoritaria y nacionalista. Descubre sus logros, sus fracasos y su caída ante la oposición republicana y socialista.