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  1. The border-collapse property sets whether table borders should collapse into a single border or be separated as in standard HTML. Show demo

    • Overview
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    • Syntax
    • Browser compatibility
    • See also

    The border-collapse CSS property sets whether cells inside a have shared or separate borders.

    When cells are collapsed, the border-style value of inset behaves like ridge, and outset behaves like groove.

    When cells are separated, the distance between cells is defined by the border-spacing property.


    collapse Adjacent cells have shared borders (the collapsed-border table rendering model). separate Adjacent cells have distinct borders (the separated-border table rendering model).

    BCD tables only load in the browser with JavaScript enabled. Enable JavaScript to view data.

    •border-spacing, border-style

    •The border-collapse property alters the appearance of the HTML element.

  2. 31 de ago. de 2011 · The border-collapse property is for use on <table> elements (or elements made to behave like a table through display: table or display: inline-table). Syntax border-collapse: collapse | separate; Initial value: separate; Applies to: table and inline-table elements; Inherited: yes; Computed value: as specified; Animation type ...

  3. border-collapse: collapse; Adjacent table cells will merge their borders together. The cell that appears first in the code will "win": its borders will mask those of the following cells.

  4. La propiedad border-collapse se utiliza para fusionar los bordes. Ésto tiene una gran influencia sobre la presentación y el estilo de las celdas de tabla. La representación de los bordes de tabla es dividida en dos categorías en CSS2 - "fusión" y "separación" (collapsed - separated).

  5. 20 de jun. de 2017 · The border-collapse CSS property specifies whether a table's borders are separated or collapsed. In the separated-border model, adjacent cells each have their own distinct borders. In the collapsed-border model, adjacent cells share borders. border-collapse: collapse; border-collapse: separate; border-collapse: inherit;

  6. Demo of the different values of the border-collapse property. Click the property values below to see the result: border-collapse: separate; border-collapse: collapse; Play more with the code in our Tryit yourself editor: