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  1. 25 de jan. de 2023 · Download or stream the updated edition of MJ Demarco's book on how to live rich now instead of dying rich later. Learn the Fastlane to millions, a short-cut paved by mathematics, and reject the dogma of get rich slow.


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  2. Discover the secrets of the Fastlane, the shortcut to wealth and freedom, in this bestselling book by MJ DeMarco. Download or stream it for free on

  3. ›

    • Preface
    • how This book is organized
    • The Great Deception
    • How I Screwed “Get Rich Slow”
    • The Road Trip to Wealth
    • The Roadmaps to Wealth
    • The Road Most Traveled: The Sidewalk
    • “Wait, doesn’t everyone?”
    • Wealth = Income + Debt
    • Misuse Money and Money Will Misuse You
    • So how do you know if you can aford it? If you pay cash and your lifestyle 49
    • Lucky Bastards Play The Game
    • Responsibility is the price of greatness.
    • The PoLiTics oF hiTchhiking
    • Slowlane Weapons 67
    • 74 Jobs: domesTicaTion inTo normaLcy
    • The Slowlane: Why You Aren't Rich
    • WEALTH = [Intrinsic Value (Yearly)] + [Compound Interest (Yearly)]
    • The sLowLane is a PLan oF hoPe
    • The Futile Fight: Education
    • The Hypocrisy of the Gurus
    • Would you take bodybuilding advice from a 90-lb. weakling?
    • Recommit . . .
    • Slowlane Victory... A Gamble of Hope
    • Is it for you?
    • Switch Teams and Playbooks
    • be a Producer: LeVerage The business oF a sysTem
    • How the Rich Really Get Rich
    • Divorce Wealth from Time
    • PassiVe income: The hoLy graiL To reTiremenT
    • The Real Law of Wealth
    • Life's Steering Wheel
    • your LiFe’s sTeering wheeL
    • You’ll see.
    • Wipe Your Windshield Clean
    • Your Primordial Fuel: Time
    • Your Lifespan = Free Time + Indentured Time
    • Hit the Redline
    • The Right Road Routes to Wealth
    • What do we live for, if not to make life less dificult for each other?
    • (Need)
    • n – (EnTry)
    • The Commandment of Control
    • 224 n – e – (ConTroL)
    • Wealth = Net Profit + Asset Value
    • The Commandment of Time
    • Rapid Wealth: The Interstates
    • Find Your Open Road
    • ForgeT The big idea; go For beTTer
    • Burn the Business Plan, Ignite Execution
    • Be Someone's Savior
    • Build Brands, Not Businesses
    • 7. Number (fastlaNe supercharger)
    • Reader Reflections
    • MJ, do you suggest I skip college?
    • I have a wife and two children to support and I can’t aford to quit my job. Where can I find time to go Fastlane?
    • I’m a single mom and a dental hygienist. How do I go Fastlane?
    • Starting a business is risky. Is there any way to minimize that risk?
    • MJ, can’t a good mentor be a form of a wealth chaufeur?
    • The 40 Fastlane Lifestyle Guidelines
    • Further Your Fastlane
    • GeneratedCaptionsTabForHeroSec

    CraCk the Code to Wealth and live riCh for a lifetime M J

    vi The “Lamborghini ProPhecy” comPLeTes The Millionaire Fastlane is the echo of a chance encounter I had long ago when I was a pudgy teenager. It was a Fastlane ignition of consciousness, a resurrection trig-gered by a stranger driving a mythic car—a Lamborghini Countach. The Fastlane was born, and with it the resolution and belief that creating ...

    At the conclusion of each chapter, there is a subsection titled “Chapter Summary: Fastlane Distinctions” which chronicles the critical distinctions to Fastlane strat-egy. Don’t ignore these! They’re the building blocks to engineering your Fastlane. Additionally, the stories and examples in this book come from the Fastlane Forum and other personal f...

    Normal is not something to aspire to, it’s something to get away from. ~ Jodie Foster

    The object of life is not to be on the side of the masses, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. ~ Marcus Aurelius eXPosing The “geT rich sLow” dreamkiLLer As a teenager, I never gave myself a chance of becoming wealthy young. “Wealth + youth” was an equation that didn’t compute simply because I didn’t have the physical capab...

    The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. ~ Lao Tzu weaLTh is a road TriP, noT JusT a road! While in college, my friends and I embarked on a spring break road trip from Chicago to South Florida. Naturally, as young men, we were gushing with anticipa-tion and enamored with the destination: a sunny, crowded Florida beach of scan...

    If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there. ~ Lewis Carroll The comPass For weaLTh If you don’t know where you are going, how will you know if you get there? If your destination is undefined, undoubtedly you’ll never arrive and likely end in a place you don’t want to be. Wealth is found with a roadmap, not a dartboard. Self-...

    When you’re the first person whose beliefs are diferent from what everyone else believes, you’re basically saying, “I’m right, and everyone else is wrong.” That’s a very unpleasant position to be in. It’s at once exhilarating and at the same time, an invitation to be attacked. ~ Larry Ellison The sidewaLk roadmaP Most people are lifelong Sidew...

    You don’t alert a business when they give you incorrect change in your favor. “Are you crazy? If a business makes a money mistake, I’m keeping it. It’s not my fault their employee screwed up.” You have a negative net worth and little, if no savings. “What’s the point? You only make 1% on a savings account anyhow, and look at all those people who in...

    Sidewalkers create their lifestyle in direct proportion to their income and supplement that lifestyle with extensive use of debt. All Sidewalkers stress about paying their mortgage or rent, paying the utility bills, meeting the minimum pay-ments on their credit cards—it’s just what happens when there is no thought given past the happy hour after pa...

    Money can’t buy happiness, but it can make you awfully comfortable while you’re being miserable. ~ Clare Boothe Luce money doesn’T buy haPPiness . . . does PoVerTy? People who declare, “Money doesn’t buy happiness” have already concluded they will never have money. This old equivocation becomes the torchbearer to their poorness. And since money...

    doesn’t change regardless of future circumstances, you can aford it. In other words, if you buy a boat, pay cash, and are NOT be afected by unexpected “bumps in the road,” you can aford it. Would you regret a gum purchase if you lost your job a week later? Or if your sales forecast was slashed by 50%? Nope, it wouldn’t make a diference. This is how...

    I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. ~ Thomas Jefferson PssT . . . wanna geT Lucky? I once overheard someone call me a “lucky bastard.” What a sad, delusional Sidewalking belief. I’m not lucky; I’m a player of the game. While Mr. Lucky-Bastard-Hater uttered that under his breath and sat his ass ...

    ~ Winston Churchill hiTchhikers don’T driVe! One anchor to the Sidewalk is to entrust your financial plan to others, to believe that there is a chaufeur to wealth and that someone else can drive that journey for you. This mindset makes you vulnerable to victimhood. Imagine if you hitchhiked across the country. There’s a decent chance you’d never ma...

    Sidewalking hitchhikers are a major constituency in all countries. These people seek the easy life yet want someone else to pay for it. They’re lifetime hitchhikers. They believe the government (or some other entity) should do more for them. They are victims of the system. They are victims of life because life dealt them a bad hand. They vote for w...

    Go to school Get good grades Graduate Pay yourself first Overtime Corporate ladder Save X% of your paycheck Contribute to your 401K Invest in mutual funds Buy and hold Paychecks, pensions, benefits Diversify Raise your insurance deductibles The stock market Say “no” to expensive lattes Be frugal Get out of debt Clip coupons Cancel your credit cards...

    If you want to escape the Slowlane, find wealth and freedom fast, you’ve got to dump the job. Let me repeat. Dump the damn job! Jobs suck. I mean that generically, not targeted toward a specific job. Whether you’re an electrician or a store manager, you hold a job. Jobs suck because they’re rooted in limited leverage and limited control. Sure, you...

    Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it! I say. Whatever you want to do, do it now. There are only so many tomorrows. ~ Michael Landon eXPosing sLowLane inePTiTude If the Slowlane is your “get rich” strategy I can make a likely assumption:...

    The primary income source The wealth accelerator Factored further:

    The Slowlane dilutes your control. You’re reading this book because you want to control your financial destiny, NOT put it in the hands of some company or the stock market. If you want to get rich, you have to control and leverage the variables in your financial plan—any financial plan without control immediately disinte-grates into a plan of hope....

    The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education. ~ Albert Einstein

    There was a time when a fool and his money were soon parted, but now it happens to everybody. ~ Adlai Stevenson you’Ve been duPed Suppose after college you’re getting a bit pudgy around the middle and decide it’s time to get back in shape. You enroll in a community college class called “Healthy Nutrition: Eat Your Way to a Beautiful Body.” On the ...

    The Paradox of Practice is a heated debate in my forum. Some feel it’s perfectly acceptable to preach a strategy for wealth yet never use it. do as i say, noT as i do A Paradox of Practice exists when someone promotes a moneymaking strategy but that strategy is not what made him or her rich. In other words, they’re not practi-tioners of their own...

    Notice the shift in language, exposing the truth: If the plan is so good, why do you need to “rebuild” or “start over?” If the strategy worked, such words wouldn’t be necessary. For the charade to continue, the gurus need to reinforce the strategy with new books selling the same old shit! And the bigger question: Do you think the gurus need to “sta...

    I’d rather live in regret of failure than in regret of never trying. ~ MJ DeMarco eXodus: LiFe in The sLowLane Wealth by the Slowlane roadmap is analogous to Exodus, the biblical story of Moses. God leads Moses out of Egyptian bondage into a daunting 40-year jour-ney through the desert, with the promise of a glorious future in the land of “milk and...

    The FasTLane mindPosTs Like the other roadmaps, the Fastlane Roadmap contains the same mindposts or behavioral characteristics that drive the Fastlaner’s actions along the journey. They are: debt Perception: Debt is useful if it allows me to build and grow my system. Time Perception: Time is the most important asset I have, far exceeding money. ed...

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

    Download the PDF version of the best-selling book by MJ DeMarco, The Millionaire Fastlane, which reveals the secrets of rapid wealth creation and financial freedom. Learn how to escape the Slowlane and accelerate your wealth with the Fastlane principles and strategies.

  4. Download the free PDF file of The Millionaire Fastlane, a book by MJ DeMarco that teaches how to achieve wealth and financial freedom through entrepreneurship. Learn the concept of the Fastlane, the mindset and habits required, and the practical strategies for creating a business system.

  5. The Millionaire Fastlane - M. J. DeMarco | Download grátis PDF | Dinheiro | Marketing. 1) O livro critica a mentalidade do "fique rico devagar" e propõe a "Via Expressa" como um caminho mais rápido e independente para conquistar a riqueza; 2) A Via Expressa prega ter seu próprio neg... by maria9eduarda-805477 in Orphan Interests > Economies.

  6. The Millionaire Fastlane, 10th Anniversary Edition, PDF Instant Download. ** 10th ANNIVERSARY EDITION; CRYPTO, INFLATION, PANDEMICS, MORE!**. TRANSLATED IN OVER 25 LANGUAGES WORLDWIDE!

  7. 4 de jan. de 2011 · Change lanes and create your explosive wealth accelerator. Hit the Fastlane, crack wealth's code, and live rich young, not old.