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  1. Play the Game of Life online, a single player game invented in 1970 by Cambridge mathematician John Conway.

  2. Conway's Game of Life is a cellular automaton that is played on a 2D square grid. Each square (or "cell") on the grid can be either alive or dead, and they evolve according to the following rules: Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies (referred to as underpopulation).

  3. The Game of Life, also known simply as Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. It is a zero-player game, meaning that its evolution is determined by its initial state, requiring no further input.

  4. Conway inventou o Jogo da Vida (ou Game of Life) ao utilizar suas descobertas anteriores relacionadas com o problema de encontrar um grupo simétrico de esferas em 24 dimensões, proposto por John Leech para simplificar a solução de von Neumann.

  5. Conway's Game of Life, conceived by the eminent English mathematician John Conway in 1970, is a towering monument in the realm of cellular automata, celebrated for its inherent complexities and intricacies.

  6. 28 de dez. de 2020 · The Game of Life motivated the use of cellular automata in the rich field of complexity science, with simulations modeling everything from ants to traffic, clouds to galaxies.

  7. O Jogo da Vida é um autômato celular desenvolvido pelo Dr. John Conway em 1970. O jogo é um jogo sem jogadores, o que significa que sua evolução é determinada por seu estado...