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  1. › wiki › Licinia_gensLicinia gens - Wikipedia

    The gens Licinia was a celebrated plebeian family at ancient Rome, which appears from the earliest days of the Republic until imperial times, and which eventually obtained the imperial dignity.

  2. La gens Licinia fue una célebre familia de plebeyos de la Antigua Roma, que apareció en los primeros días de la República hasta el tiempo imperial, y que finalmente obtuvo la dignidad imperial.

  3. Pompeius’ birth name is unknown, however by birth and adoption through his father, Pompeius was of the gens Licinia, hence the nomen Licinius. During the Roman Empire, it was common for Roman nobles to drop their paternal names and assume the names of their maternal ancestors.

  4. La gens Licinia y el nordeste peninsular. Una aproximación al estudio de las formas de propiedad y de gestión de un rico patrimonio familiar. Piero Berni Millet. 2005, Archivo Español de Arqueología, 78 (191-192): 167-188.

  5. Gens é um termo que, na Roma Antiga, representava a identidade familiar de um determinado conjunto de famílias, largamente inscritas na aristocracia romana. Os membros da gens encontravam-se ligados pela concepção do genus, de uma linhagem definida pela ancestralidade e por feitos militares de seus antepassados. [1]

  6. Lici'nia Gens a celebrated plebeian gens, to which belonged C. Licinius Calvus Stolo, whose exertions threw open the consulship to the plebeians, and which became one of the most illustrious gentes in the latter days of the republic, by the Crassi and Luculli, who were likewise members of it.

  7. LICINIA GENS, a celebrated plebeian gens, to which belonged C. Licinius Calvus Stolo, whose exertions threw open the consulship to the plebeians, and which became one of the most illustrious gentes in the latter days of the republic, by the Crassi and Luculli, who were likewise members of it.