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  1. Beloved is a story of a mother's love, a haunted house, a solitary sister and a lovers' union. The tragedy begins 18 years in the past with Sethe, a slave who escaped from 'Sweet Home' and gained her freedom.

  2. Beloved is Sethe's daughter reincarnated twenty years later. She is symbolic of the need for African Americans to confront the past and the injustice they have suffered as a result. The arrival of Beloved forces Sethes daughter to ask the community for help when Beloved turns nasty.

  3. Beloved is characterised by mothers losing their children:Sethe's mother-in-law barely glanced at lost of her eight children,"because it wasn't worth the trouble".Baby suggs ask Sethe to be thankful to have all her children with her,and also of the fact that all her children hab been fathered by the same man.Sethe's own mother was hanged when ...

  4. Considerado pelo New York Times um dos romances mais importantes do século XX e vencedor do Prémio Pulitzer, Beloved é o mais famoso livro de Toni Morrison, distinguida com o Prémio Nobel da Literatura. Um retrato realista e pungente da condição cruel e infame dos negros americanos durante o século XIX, narrado com virtuosismo e arte.

  5. 10 de abr. de 2019 · Considerado um clássico contemporâneo, faz um retrato a um tempo lírico e cruel da condição do negro no fim do século xix nos Estados Unidos. Amada é o romance mais conhecido de Toni Morrison, primeira escritora negra a receber o Nobel de Literatura (1993).

  6. Beloved Summary. On the edge of Cincinnati, in 1873 just after the end of the Civil War, there is a house numbered 124 that is haunted by the presence of a dead child. A former slave named Sethe has lived in the house, with its ghost, for 18 years. Sethe lives at 124 with her daughter Denver.

  7. Breve resumo do livro Beloved (Amada) Excelente conteúdo para literatura Afro-Americana