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  1. Selected by Salman Rushdie and Elizabeth West, these novel excerpts, stories, and memoirs illuminate wonderful writing by authors often overlooked in the West. Thirty-two selections by Indian authors writing in English over the past half-century.

  2. The book was Rushdie's first released work since he was attacked and injured in 2022. In April 2024, his autobiographical book Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder , in which Rushdie writes about the attack and his recovery, was published.

  3. Salman Rushdie has 136 books on Goodreads with 1252010 ratings. Salman Rushdies most popular book is Midnight’s Children.

  4. The Satanic Verses (1988), novel of Indian-born British writer Salman Rushdie led Ruholla Khomeini, the ayatollah of Iran, to demand his execution and then forced him into hiding; his other works include Midnight's Children (1981), which won the Booker prize, and The Moor's Last Sigh (1995).

  5. Edição Português | por Salman Rushdie e Donaldson M. Garschagen | 24 mar. 2016

  6. Salman Rushdie is the author of eleven novels, a Fellow of the British Royal Society of Literature, and won the Whitbread Prize for Best Novel (twice)... Explore About the Author

  7. 12 de ago. de 2022 · Here is a guide to Mr. Rushdie’s most famous work. ‘Midnights Children’ (1981) Mr. Rushdie’s second novel received the Booker Prize, and became an international success.

  8. Sir Salman Rushdie is the author of many novels including Grimus, Midnight's Children, Shame, The Satanic Verses, The Moor's Last Sigh, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Fury and Shalimar the Clown.

  9. Salman Rushdie é autor de dezanove livros, entre os quais se conta Os Filhos da Meia-Noite, que conquistou o Booker Prize em 1981, o Booker of Bookers em 1993 e, em 2008, o Best of the Booker. O Último Suspiro do Mouro foi contemplado com o Withbread Prize em 1995 e com o Prémio Aristeion de Literatura da União... Ler Biografia.

  10. Salman Rushdie é autor de uma vasta obra, da qual se destacam os romances Os Filhos da Meia-Noite (que conquistou o Prémio Booker em 1981, o Booker dos Bookers em 1993 e, em 2008, o Melhor do Booker), Vergonha, Os Versículos Satânicos, O Último Suspiro do Mouro e Quichotte, todos eles finalistas do Prémio Booker.