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    • Eel Slap. A proposta desse site é simples: bater com uma enguia no rosto de um homem. Pode parecer bobo (e é), mas há grandes chances de você não conseguir fechar o site sem dar pelo menos uma bofetada no podre coitado.
    • Gift Ctrl. A página cria um feed infinito de GIFs e permite que você controle o movimento das imagens animadas com o mouse. Veja de trás pra frente, de frente para trás, acelerado ou em câmera lenta.
    • Point Pointer. De longe um dos melhores da lista, o site funciona com base na posição do cursor do mouse. Você posiciona a setinha em qualquer lugar da página e, em poucos segundos, o Pinter Pinter vai encontrar uma fotografia aleatória na qual uma ou mais pessoas está apontando exatamente para a sua seta.
    • Koalas to the Max. A dinâmica começa com um grande círculo no centro da página. Conforme você passa o mouse por cima dele, ele vai se dividindo em novos círculos menores.
    • Weird or Confusing ( Quer comprar celular, TV e outros produtos com desconto? Conheça o Compare TechTudo. Óculos com cesta para jogar basquete, pedestal para iPads com suporte a papel higiênico e comida de unicórnio enlatada.
    • Zoomquilt ( Fruto do trabalho de 15 ilustradores, o Zoomquilt é um site que amplia o centro de uma imagem infinitamente. Cada parte da arte revela um cenário novo, e a jornada digital parece ser interminável.
    • Museum of Endangered Sounds ( A tecnologia mudou muito ao longo da última década. Sites, programas e aparelhos considerados de ponta nos anos 2000 desapareceram em meio a essa evolução.
    • The Uncomfortable ( Como o próprio nome já diz, o site The Uncomfortable pode causar bastante desconforto em algumas pessoas, principalmente as que prestam atenção em padrões.
  1. 12 de fev. de 2024 · Feeling Unlucky in Love? Here's how becoming distress tolerant might save your dating life. Posted February 12, 2024 | Reviewed by Davia Sills

  2. Search for the very last link. Unlucky. I'm Feeling Unlucky

    • Pray
    • Be Intentional About Change
    • Expose Yourself to New People
    • Change Your Mindset
    • Take A Gamble
    • Stick with It
    • Feed on Something Productive

    If you believe in God the first thing to do in any situation is to pray. God changes situations and people. Isaiah 43:19 says, “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” God is able and willing to do a new thing in your life. Sometimes we thin...

    What areas do you feel unlucky? Is it your love life? Your finances? Whatever it is you have to be intentional about changing the situation. That may mean joining online dating sites or going out more. It could mean working toward a promotion or career change. The worse thing you can do is nothing. Things rarely change on their own. Of course, it w...

    You may have heard it said before that you are the sum of the five people you hang around the most. If you feel unlucky or that life is not where you want it to be there’s a good chance that the people you hang around are in the same boat. Some of them might not even mind being in the boat. But if you want something more for your life you’ve got to...

    Speaking of mindset your mindset will either be your biggest friend or your biggest foe. What you don’t believe is possible will not be possible for you. You won’t even try. If you think you are unlucky you will count all the ways you are unlucky and skip over all the areas of your life that are beautiful. If you want to be lucky it starts in your ...

    You may feel unlucky in life because you’ve never taken a gamble. How can win if you don’t bet? Now I’m not telling to jump on the next thing smoking to Vegas or the corner gas station to buy a lottery ticket. I’m saying that if you’ve been playing the game of life a little too on the safe you probably will not have any luck. Perhaps it’s not that ...

    I have a love hate relationship with online dating. I sign up for a service or download an app and then one too many creeps later I delete it. Chances are I could have meet a nice guy if I didn’t get deterred by all the frogs I didn’t want to kiss. But I’ve given up more times than I can count. Honestly, sometimes meeting people feels more like a b...

    Some people feel unlucky in life because it feeds them. They get attention and sympathy. It really goes back to not doing or being apart of something worthwhile. I’d say it’s a drug of choice for some similar to smoking weed or sex. It’s actually another way of going “away”. If you’re walking around all the time talking about how unlucky you are it...

  3. 9 de fev. de 2018 · Evil Deeds. Unconscious. Feeling Lucky? How real is the phenomenon of "luck" in life? Posted February 9, 2018. Source: The Goddess Fortuna. Wikimedia Commons. I've been musing a lot about luck...

  4. 1 de nov. de 2021 · Feeling a little unlucky lately? Want the secret to being lucky? You have it already - it's you. The secret to improving luck is about perspective, self-belief and erring on the side of optimism. It isn't about winning huge pots of cash - it's about making the most of the wonderful blessings already surrounding you.

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