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  1. 2 de fev. de 2021 · Happy Tree Friends - Cuddles' Pet Smoochie by Mondo Media. Publication date 2003 Topics Flash, Happy Tree Friends, game Language English Item Size 518.0K

  2. Happy Tree Friends Smoochies. Disco Bear’s Halloween Smoochie. Nutty’s Party Smoochie. Pop’s BBQ Smoochie. Cuddles’ Pet Smoochie. Toothy’s Easter Smoochie.

  3. 10 de ago. de 2010 · Flippys Battlefield Smoochie. Rating: [0 / 5 - 0 Votes] Tags: Blood , Gore , Happy Tree Friends , Toy. Year: 2010. Developers: Yudhaikeledai.

    • Yudhaikeledai
    • Blood , Gore , Happy Tree Friends , Toy
    • [0 / 5-0 Votes]
    • 2010
  4. 14 de ago. de 2011 · Handy’s Carpentry Smoochie. Rating: [4.7 / 5 - 3 Votes] Tags: Blood , Gore , Happy Tree Friends , Toy. Year: 2011. Developers: Yudhaikeledai.

    • (3)
    • [4.7 / 5-3 Votes]
    • Yudhaikeledai
    • Blood , Gore , Happy Tree Friends , Toy
    • Overview
    • Cuddles' Pet Smoochie
    • Giggles' Valentine Smoochie
    • Toothy's Easter Smoochie
    • Petunia's Summer Smoochie
    • Nutty's Party Smoochie
    • Sniffles' Science Smoochie
    • Flaky's Baseball Smoochie
    • Pop's BBQ Smoochie
    • Mime's Olympic Smoochie



    Smoochies are videos of individual characters on Happy Tree Friends dying in different and unusual ways. Usually, they involve a prop being used in an unlikely and deadly way. Each Smoochie includes one character that can be given something from three options, all of which resulting in the character dying. After a few seconds of inactivity, the character will do an idle action, such as laugh or say hello. They all were released onto Mondo Media's website in 2003 starting with Cuddles Pet Smoochie.

    The Smoochies were removed on Mondo Media's redesign of their website. They can now only be seen on a video player instead of an interactive Flash video since the official Happy Tree Friends website no longer exists. However, there are archived links to every Smoochie in each section of this article.

    Idle animations

    •Cuddles waves, says "Hello!", and happily giggles. •Cuddles tilts his head to the side and makes a slight confused grunt, then tilts his head back while sighing.

    Smoochie options

    1.Feed: A carrot falls right next to Cuddles. Cuddles eagerly takes a bite out of it and swallows. Suddenly, the rabbit begins choking. He desperately tries to remove the carrot from his throat, but to no avail. He finally falls over dead from asphyxiation. His foot can be seen twitching. 2.Sleep: A tranquilizer dart flies in from off-screen and injects Cuddles in the arm. As he stares at it curiously, he is hit by eight more of them in various parts of his body, including his left eye. Cuddles then falls over and possibly faints or dies from low blood pressure from the tranquilizer darts. 3.Clean: A shower head appears and releases water. Cuddles apparently likes it. Just as Cuddles starts enjoying his bath, the room begins to flood. The rabbit starts holding his breath as the water reaches the top of the screen, but he eventually drowns and his corpse floats to the top.


    1.Cuddles chokes to death. 2.Cuddles is hit by numerous tranquilizer darts and dies due to a large overdose. 3.Cuddles drowns to death.

    Idle animations

    •She giggles softly. •Giggles blows a kiss, creating a small red heart which floats up and pops. Note that a Cartoon Trax pop sound effect is used here, judging by most animation studios, such as Mondo themselves, using them in their productions.

    Smoochie options

    1.Flowers: A bouquet of roses falls next to Giggles, and she takes a big sniff of them, despite having a pollen allergy. The chipmunk sneezes and giggles sheepishly. She sneezes again and realizes she has an allergy before sneezing uncontrollably. A final sneeze builds up, but it fades and she sighs with relief. However, she then sneezes and her brain explodes out the back of her head, blood comes out of her ears, and she falls down dead, face first. 2.Cupid: A clothes rack zips by the screen, dressing up Giggles in a Cupid costume complete with a pair of wings, a halo on a stick, a heart-tipped arrow, and a bow. Taking careful aim, the chipmunk shoots her arrow and giggles. Suddenly, an arrow zips in from behind her and pierces through her stomach. Giggles looks down at the arrow sticking out of her body and shrieks in horror, but before she can do anything else, she is shot and pierced by a dozen more arrows, with the last going through the back of her head. She falls face down on the floor and her body slides slowly down the arrow shafts, her eye still twitching. 3.Note: Giggles takes out a piece of paper and an envelope. She kisses the paper and stuffs it into the envelope before licking it closed, which gives her a severe paper cut that slices off the tip of her tongue. She screams in horror as blood begins pouring out of her tongue and forms a pool around her. Panicking, the chipmunk tries to reattach her tongue, but her face goes white from blood loss and she gives one final cute smile before falling back into the pool of her own blood. The letter appears on the front of the screen, reading "Happy Valentine's Day!" with Giggles' kiss mark still on it.


    1.Giggles' brain explodes from the back of her head. 2.Giggles is hit by numerous arrows. 3.Giggles dies from blood loss after her tongue got cut off.

    Idle animations

    •Toothy waves, says "Hello!" (although it sounds a lot like gibberish), and giggles. •Toothy yawns tiredly.

    Smoochie options

    1.Yummy: A basket of Easter eggs falls from the sky. Toothy picks up an Easter egg and eats it. Liking the taste, he swallows five more eggs and lies back contentedly. However, the eggs then hatch and five chicks burst out of the beaver's stomach. 2.Goody: Toothy picks up an Easter egg rolling by, but it hatches before he can eat it. A green snake bursts out of the egg and wraps around him. Toothy is squeezed to death by the snake and his eyes pop out. After he dies, the snake tries to swallow him, but his head is too big. 3.Tasty: A rotten Easter egg falls from the sky. Toothy picks it up, and despite recoiling at the stench, he eats it happily. The beaver then promptly turns green-faced and vomits onto the screen, spelling out "Happy Easter." When the vomit slides off the screen, Toothy can be seen lying face-down in it, apparently passed out. However, bubbles come out of the vomit, indicating that he is still breathing.


    1.Toothy has chicks burst out of his stomach. 2.Toothy has his eyes popped out by a snake. 3.Toothy dies when he barfs. (Debatable, since he was still breathing).

    Idle animations

    •She giggles softly, sounding exactly like Giggles in her Smoochie. •She wags her tail.

    Smoochie options

    1.Swim: A big light-blue rubber kiddie pool falls into the room. Petunia takes out a rubber ducky and puts it in the water. As the skunk begins singing softly, bubbles appear in the water. All of a sudden, a peach-colored shark bursts out and bites Petunia's upper body. Petunia begins screaming, then the shark bites her again, making a slight snap (possibly breaking her neck). Then the shark begins thrashing the skunk around and splattering her lower half on the wall. The shark sinks and the rubber duckie remains untouched. 2.Spin: Petunia pulls out a pinwheel, watching it spin as the wind blows. The wind picks up speed, making the pinwheel spin more rapidly. Suddenly, the wind blows so hard that the pinwheel bends towards Petunia's face, shredding it violently as the skunk screams in pain. The wind finally stops and the pinwheel falls away, revealing a hole and a single eyeball where Petunia's face used to be. As the "Reset" button appears, the pinwheel spins slowly again. 3.Sprinkle: A hose unrolls itself from the right side of the screen. Petunia uses the hose to water a flower when suddenly, the water runs out. As she looks into the hose in confusion, a huge bulge in the hose swells up behind the skunk and pushes her into the viewer's screen, causing the screen to crack. Petunia's body is then crushed into a bloody mush, her remains sliding down the screen. When the "Reset" button appears, the water can be heard stopping.


    1.Petunia is bitten by a shark. Her remains are then trashed around. 2.Petunia gets her face shredded. 3.Petunia is crushed in front of the screen.

    Idle animations

    •He turns his head to the side. •Nutty giggles, sounding exactly like Toothy.

    Smoochie options

    1.Toy: A yo-yo bounces right in front of Nutty, and it lands in his hands. As Nutty jitters in glee for playing with it, one of his teeth gets knocked out by the yo-yo. Angrily, he throws the yo-yo very hard, resulting in a very hard sleeper which rubs against his groin and produces a 'buzzing' sound. The squirrel's fur then catches on fire and he violently combusts, leaving a badly charred skeleton. Ironically, the yo-yo bounces perfectly from Nutty's roasted hand after his death. 2.Gift: A present with balloons tied to it falls in front of Nutty. He maniacally unwraps the present, somehow getting the strings of the balloons tied around his neck without noticing, and finds a pair of heavy scissors in the box. Disappointed, the squirrel angrily throws down the scissors, allowing the balloons to lift his now-lighter body off the ground, whereupon the strings of the balloons begin strangling him. Nutty unsuccessfully attempts to reach for the scissors, and as a result, he strangles to death. 3.Treat: A go-cart drops in front of Nutty, who gleefully jumps in and begins driving back and forth due to the enclosed environment of the screen. As the exhaust released by the go-cart begins filling the room, Nutty coughs and gags uncontrollably before eventually suffocating from the carbon monoxide fumes. The squirrel's go-cart continues to periodically bounce off the left side of the screen.


    1.Nutty is burned to a crisp. 2.Nutty is strangled by balloon strings. 3.Nutty is poisoned by carbon monoxide fumes.

    Idle animations

    •Sniffles reads a book. •Sniffles adjusts his glasses.

    Smoochie options

    1.Jet: A jetpack lands next to Sniffles. He puts on the jetpack and begins to lift off, but it is so strong that it rips his arms off. After running around in circles and screaming for a while, he passes out from blood loss and falls on his back. The airborne jetpack that has ran out of fuel smashes into his remains, killing the anteater. 2.Magnet: A giant magnet falls next to Sniffles. He picks it up, only for it to get stuck around his waist. He grumbles at this setback before several magnetic objects, including an iron, several nails, a huge pair of scissors, an I-beam, and a bicycle, are drawn to the magnet, impaling and killing Sniffles. 3.Mix: Taking out a pair of test tubes, Sniffles mixes chemicals together. He then pours the resulting concoction on an apple, causing the fruit to grow to massive size. Chuckling cleverly, Sniffles proceeds to drink the rest of his potion, expecting to grow enormous. Unfortunately, only the anteater's internal organs grow big while his body remains the same size, causing most of his organs to burst out of his stomach. They continue to grow, filling the screen and squashing Sniffles to death.


    1.Sniffles dies from blood loss. After that, he gets crushed by a jetpack. 2.An iron, several nails, a huge pair of scissors, and a bicycle kill Sniffles. 3.Sniffles has organs burst out of his stomach and then he is squashed.

    Idle animations

    •Flaky waves and chuckles nervously. •Flaky waves a foam finger and laughs nervously.

    Smoochie options

    1.Catch: A catcher's mitt falls from the sky. As Flaky stares at it nervously, a baseball hits her in the left eye, knocking the porcupine out and bruising her eye so badly that it pops out in a fountain of blood. A catcher's mask falls on her face shortly afterwards, causing her left eye to pop up again. Her foot can be seen twitching. 2.Bat: A metal bat and an old wooden bat fall next to Flaky. She disapproves of the wooden bat due to its dilapidated state, and picks up the metal bat instead. While she is playing with the metal bat, lightning strikes it, the bat acting as a lightning rod. As a result, Flaky gets burnt to a crisp. A baseball is then thrown at the porcupine and the upper half of her body disintegrates into ashes. Her eyeballs fall to the ground as her remains periodically spark with electricity. 3.Gum: A small packet of cards land next to Flaky. Flaky picks it up and eagerly opens it. She finds three baseball cards (which are promptly thrown away) and a stick of bubblegum, which she tosses into her mouth. With a deep breath, Flaky blows an enormous bubble which then pops, covering Flaky's entire face with gum. The porcupine flails around desperately and struggles to pull of the gum, but to no avail. As a result, Flaky ends up suffocating to death. Her arm can be seen twitching.


    •Goofs in Catch: •Flaky's nose disappears after the mask falls on her. •Goofs in Bat •When Flaky is getting electrocuted, her eyeballs have circular pupils, her eyes also have circular pupils when the baseball goes through the upper half of her body and disintegrates it into ashes. •Goofs in Gum: •Flaky's buckteeth are missing when she finds the gum in the wrapper. •The Sniffles card, layered under the others, becomes layered over them once Flaky falls on the ground.

    Idle animations

    •Pop lifts his hat and says "Hello, there". •Pop smokes his pipe.

    Smoochie options

    1.Light: Pop sprays a BBQ grill with a bottle of flare before igniting it, but the grill explodes and flies into the air, leaving the bear charred and dazed. The grill then comes back down to earth and lands on Pop's head. Charcoal pieces fall out and burn through his head and out his chin. The bear collapses as one last charcoal chunk falls on his chest and burns a hole through his body. 2.Corn: A corn cob falls on the grill, prompting Pop to devour it in seconds. As he pats his full belly, a spark from the grill lands on his robe and puts it on fire. The bear manages to put out the flame, but the heat pops the corn inside him, swelling him up and presumably crushing his organs or asphyxiating him to death, making him look like body version of a bag of popcorn. 3.Kabob: A kebab lands on the grill, much to Pop's delight. As he bites into it, the meat proves rubbery and hard to tear off. In the ensuing struggle, the kebab stick impales the bear through the eye, causing him let out a scream that sounds almost exactly like Fliqpy’s iconic scream before collapsing on the floor with the kebab stick holding him up. Ultimately, the pressure of his corpse on the stick forces the kebab out of the other side of his head with his eye on the tip.


    1.Pop is burnt in a grill explosion, and has charcoal pierce through his body. 2.Pop has popcorn fill his entire body, crushing his organs and dying of suffocation. 3.Pop is impaled in the eye by a kebab skewer, and it impales through his entire head when he collapses.

    Idle animations

    •Mime pulls an imaginary rope, stumbling as he reaches the end. •Mime performs the invisible wall routine, complete with squeaking glass sound effects.

    Smoochie options

    1.Hammer Throw: A heavy metal ball with a chain and a handle drops down next to Mime. He picks it up and begins spinning it, but when he lets go, it bounces off the wall, hits the deer's face, and smashes his brain out the back of his head. 2.Hurdles: A pair of running shoes drop down and Mime hops into them. A hurdle then drops down and Mime runs at it, but because the deer's shoelaces are tangled together, he trips onto the hurdle, which slices the top of his head off. As Mime is weakly crawling under the hurdle to reach the sliced-off top of his head, the bar of the hurdle falls off, becoming a makeshift guillotine and chopping his head off, as well as slicing off his face, arms, and another part of his brain. 3.Weights: A long barbell falls in front of Mime and he successfully lifts it above his head. A small bird lands on the right side of it and Mime begins tilting, but he regains his balance when the bird moves to the center of the barbell. Two larger birds land on the left and right sides of the barbell and all seems fine until the barbell falls right through Mime. This vertically slices the deer in half, at which point the small bird begins pecking at the remains.


    1.Mime is smashed in the face by a heavy metal ball, exposing his brain. 2.Mime's head is sliced in at the near top by a hurdle, which falls on him while he tries to get away, and gets his face and arms sliced off. 3.Mime is vertically sliced in half by a barbell.

    • 2 min
  5. 13 de jul. de 2015 · Happy Tree Friends Smoochies. This time you are going to send different cards and you will see what could happen! Just use all the skills and be sure that you will like it... or, well, there is no time and you must play this game and send these strange cards. Have fun!

  6. 22 de jul. de 2022 · Happy Tree Friends - Pop and Cub's Christmas Smoochie. A Collection of All The Official Happy Tree Friends Smoochies in the date creation order.