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  1. “David” é uma escultura em mármore em tamanho real de Gian Lorenzo Bernini. O Cardeal Scipione Borghese encomendou-a para decorar a Galeria Borghese. A obra-prima foi concluída em sete meses, de 1623 a 1624.

  2. David is a life-size marble sculpture by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The sculpture was one of many commissions to decorate the villa of Bernini's patron Cardinal Scipione Borghese – where it still resides today, as part of the Galleria Borghese. It was completed in the course of eight months from 1623 to 1624.

  3. This is the only sculpture with a Biblical subject executed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini for Scipione Borghese. It depicts David in the instant before he hurls the rock that will strike the giant Goliath, whom the Philistines called upon to fight the Israelite army of King Saul.

  4. Learn about the life-size marble sculpture of David by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, commissioned by Cardinal Scipione Borghese in 1623-1624. Discover how Bernini depicted the biblical hero preparing to fight Goliath, and how his work differs from other famous depictions of David.

  5. 12 de mai. de 2022 · Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s David statue is a life-size marble monument. It was ordered by Cardinal Scipione Borghese to adorn the Borghese Gallery. The masterwork was produced in seven months, from 1623 until 1624.

  6. El David es una escultura de Gian Lorenzo Bernini, realizada entre 1623 y 1624 para el cardenal Scipione Borghese y expuesta en la Galería Borghese de Roma. El protagonista del rey bíblico David es representado lanzando una piedra a Goliat.

  7. El David es una estatua realizada por Gian Lorenzo Bernini entre 1623 y 1624. 1 Es de tamaño real (170 cm) y está ejecutada en mármol con gran virtuosismo técnico. Pasó a formar parte de la colección de su principal mecenas, el Cardenal Scipione Borghese, y actualmente se expone en la Galleria Borghese . Reproducción del David de Bernini en 3D.