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  1. A epidemiologia, portanto, é um campo da ciência que trata dos vários fatores genéticos, sociais ou ambientais e condições derivados de exposição microbiológica, tóxica, traumática, etc. que determinam a ocorrência e a distribuição de saúde, doença, defeito, incapacidade e morte entre os grupos de indivíduos. [ 4]

  2. › wiki › EpidemiologyEpidemiology - Wikipedia

    Epidemiology is the study and analysis of the distribution (who, when, and where), patterns and determinants of health and disease conditions in a defined population. It is a cornerstone of public health, and shapes policy decisions and evidence-based practice by identifying risk factors for disease and targets for preventive healthcare.

  3. Epidemiologia molecular é um ramo da ciência médica que se preocupa com a "definição, identificação, e monitorização de espécies, subespécies e estirpes patogénicas relevantes por meio de tecnologia molecular e biologia evolutiva". [ 1]

  4. In epidemiology, incidence reflects the number of new cases of a given medical condition in a population within a specified period of time. Incidence proportion ( IP ), also known as cumulative incidence, is defined as the probability that a particular event, such as occurrence of a particular disease, has occurred in a specified period: [1]

  5. Social epidemiology draws on methodologies and theoretical frameworks from many disciplines, and research overlaps with several social science fields, most notably economics, medical anthropology, medical sociology, health psychology and medical geography, as well as many domains of epidemiology.

  6. In epidemiology, an infection is said to be endemic in a specific population or populated place when that infection is constantly present, or maintained at a baseline level, without extra infections being brought into the group as a result of travel or similar means.

  7. Epidemiology is the study of the health and illness of populations. The three levels of causation of health problems include individual behavioral level, individual biological level, and political-economic ecological level.