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  1. Batman: Arkham é uma série de videojogos de ação-aventura baseados no popular herói da DC Comics, Batman, produzidos pela Rocksteady Studios [ 1][ 2] e Warner Bros. Games Montréal para PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac, 3DS, Vita, Android, iOS e Wii U. Os jogos da Rocksteady foram ...

  2. Batman: Arkham is a superhero action-adventure video game series based on the DC Comics character Batman, developed by Rocksteady Studios [1] [2] and WB Games Montréal, and published originally by Eidos Interactive and currently by Warner Bros. Games.

    • Overview
    • Incident Reports
    • Personality
    • Appearance
    • Gameplay
    • Behind the Scenes
    • Game Over Lines

    —Batman to Joker

    When his parents were gunned down in front of him, young Bruce Wayne resolved to rid Gotham City of the criminal element that took their lives. He trained extensively to achieve mental and physical perfection, in addition to mastering martial arts, detective techniques, and criminal psychology. When he returned, Bruce was inspired by a bat in his ancestral home of Wayne Manor. He then became Batman who fought crime with the aid of specialized gadgets and vehicles and operated out of a secret Batcave underneath Wayne Manor. Batman led a successful twelve-year, crime-fighting career until he was publicly unmasked by Scarecrow during the Arkham Knight Incident. Following the incident, with his identity fully exposed, Batman initiated The Knightfall Protocol and disappeared from the public eye. Despite that, his legacy lived on with the citizens of Gotham. Five years later, Bruce revealed himself to still be alive to the public, after accepting Superman's offer to join the Justice League, and returned to being Batman once again, now based in the city of Metropolis with his new allies.

    Before Arkham Origins Incident

    When he was 8 years old, Bruce watched helplessly as his parents were gunned down in front of him. The first person to talk to him after the tragedy was a kind police officer named James Gordon. He offered the boy what little comfort he could. The family's faithful butler, Alfred, became Bruce's legal guardian and tried to help. Bruce forever had his childhood stolen from him. Bruce became obsessed with avenging his parents' murder and created a plan for the rest of his life. For the next several years from his childhood to young adult life, Bruce trained extremely extensively to the height of mental and physical perfection. He studied various detective techniques, criminal psychology, invention, computers, disguise, escape arts, tracking, acrobatics, weapons, and marksmanship to name a few. Bruce went on a journey to learn and master the many highly refined forms of Asian martial arts and eventually travelled to North Korea. There, Bruce discovered a secret Korean monastery where he met martial arts master, Kirigi of the League of Assassins. At first, nothing more than just a servant and a foreigner, Bruce was eventually allowed to train with his students in Tokagure-Ryu and other Shinobi arts similar to the Japanese Ninjutsu. Mastering all of them, and even managing to defeat Kirigi's best student Shiva, Bruce earned the sensei's respect and was allowed access to the knowledge that he had been seeking as well as more advanced training. Returning to Gotham after several years abroad, ostensibly to reclaim his inheritance and become the CEO of his family's company, Bruce realized that he needed to become a symbol to fully utilize everything he'd learned on his journey. He chose the image of a bat, an old childhood fear, and began crafting an identity to prey on both of the superstitions and the cowardice of criminals. He confided this plan to Alfred, who did not initially approve but faithfully stood by his charge and helped him renovate the caves beneath Wayne Manor into a base of operations: the Batcave. Bruce befriended Lucius Fox, though he didn't share his plans with him at first, and used his position to develop or "borrow" custom-made items that could be useful in his crusade. He assembled his first armored Batsuit and Utility Belt out of various materials from the Batcave and Wayne Enterprises, and re-purposed a prototype stealth jet to act as the "Batwing", a means of transport and an aerial delivery system, with plans to develop the future Batmobile. He also undertook an investigation into a brutal serial killing incident around the time of Halloween of his first year, which Alfred later referred to as "a long one". For over two years, Batman waged a covert war on Gotham crime, and focused on everything from typical muggings and robberies to powerful figures such as Carmine Falcone, his rival Sal Maroni, and up-and-coming crime lords, Black Mask and the Penguin. He also solved several cases beyond the police's capability to handle, such as the holiday themed killer named Calendar Man and a crime wave perpetuated by the mysterious Red Hood, which Batman suspected of being a cover identity assumed by more than one person. His first and only confrontation with the Red Hood ended in disaster during a break-in at the Ace Chemicals Plant. The villain fell into a vat of chemicals, either by accident or on purpose to escape justice, which marked the first failure in the young vigilante's career. The Red Hood's body was never found. Batman continued his war, gained more confidence with each victory and continued to develop his arsenal. Most criminals believed him to either be an urban legend or some kind of supernatural entity, both of which gave him a psychological edge to exploit as they began to realize that someone or something out there was an active threat to their stranglehold on Gotham. Batman avoided media attention for as long as possible, and added to the power of his chosen symbol. As a new year drew closer, Batman believed himself to be the only thing that stood between the innocent and the predatory, and that he could handle any opponent. This would be challenged soon.

    Arkham Origins Incident

    Batman investigated at Dixon Docks where thugs hid there and ambushed them. He investigated a box that belonged to Queen Industries and discovered that the box had a bomb in it. After barely escaping the blast, Batman was confronted by Deathstroke, who was hoping to collect the bounty on Batman's head. During their fight, Deadshot interrupted Deathstroke's chance to kill Batman when he destroyed Deathstroke's Sword with two well placed shots. Deadshot then shot the chain that held a shipping crate, and allowed Batman to escape. Batman discovered the bullet fired from Deadshot, and noticed that the bottom said AmerTek, the name of the company who manufactured the bullet. —Batman learns Killer Croc won't be his only problem. Christmas Eve in Gotham began with a bang when Black Mask led a sudden and seemingly random all out attack on Blackgate Prison, and took Police Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb, hostage. Batman responded immediately. His first act upon entering the facility was to rescue Warden Martin Joseph from being beaten by one of Black Mask's Henchmen. After following a trail of destruction and subduing several of Black Mask's thugs and the escaping inmates, Batman noticed that a drone was tracking Black Mask through the prison. He finally caught up to Black Mask in the Death Row Execution Chamber, but was too late to prevent the mobster from releasing Calendar Man and executing Loeb in his place. Batman stopped pursuing Black Mask and his escort to retrieve the damaged drone's memory card before he headed to the roof. Black Mask escaped via helicopter while Batman confronted the first of eight hired assassins: Killer Croc. After defeating Croc, Batman interrogated him for information about Black Mask's whereabouts to no avail, and left him for the GCPD. Batman returned to the Batcave, scanned the damaged drone's memory card on the Batcomputer, and learned that some of the world's deadliest assassins had come to Gotham to claim a $50 million bounty that Black Mask had placed on his head. He headed into the city to track down the drone's operator, Oswald Cobblepot: the Penguin. As the Batwing neared the city, Batman noticed a jamming signal interfering with the plane's systems and entered the Coventry GCR Tower to investigate further. Finding it under siege by armed thugs, Batman rescued the hostages and investigated the murder of a Gotham Optics employee named David Shannon, who had been killed by an explosive placed in an access panel. Further scanning indicated that it had been placed there by a criminal named John F. Baker who had mysteriously turned up dead later in the Diamond District. Batman shut down the jamming signal and was contacted by Enigma, a mysterious hacker who had jammed the Batwing's signal in all the GCR towers in Gotham. Batman tracked the signal to Enigma's hideout, but was met with a television conversation with Enigma instead; Batman learned of relays protecting Enigma's main server and of datapacks held by his hired help that would be used to blackmail powerful people in Gotham. —Batman investigates Penguin Batman then made his way to Jezebel Plaza to interrogate Penguin's arms dealer, Ricky "Loose Lips" Leblanc and observed him and the Penguin's Henchmen selling weapons until he interrupted their deal. The vigilante attempted to interrogate the terrified Leblanc, only to unintentionally choke him into unconsciousness. Not long after, Batman started to interrogate him on the roof of the Gotham Merchant's Bank before Cobblepot texted Loose Lips to check the progress of the deal. Batman took the phone's memory card to hack into Penguin's communications, and dropped the now unnecessary Loose Lips off the roof and straight into the plaza's Christmas Tree. However, he soon found that he needed to triangulate the signal by using the relay stations Penguin used for his private radio. Once this was done, he overheard Penguin talk about the Boiler Deck Fights, which were being held on his ship, The Final Offer. Batman believed that Cobblepot would give up a lead on Black Mask's location. There, Batman faced the would-be assassin, the Electrocutioner, and knocked the loud mouth out with a kick to the face. After Batman went after Penguin's assistant, Tracey Buxton, he received a message about Electrocutioner, who left the arena and claimed that he would be back for him. Batman found Tracey in the casino and locked her in a cell before he unlocked the security locks barring his progress. Batman interrupted the Penguin's torturing of his rival's son, Alberto Falcone. He learned from Penguin that Black Mask had "problems of his own" that was related to a murder that was committed at his Lacey Towers safe house before he was interrupted by another assassin, the far more capable Deathstroke. Batman managed to defeat Deathstroke and purloined his Remote Claw. Batman contacted Alfred to arrange an anonymous tip about Deathstroke's whereabouts to the GCPD before his manservant informed him of police band chatter that indicated the Lacey Towers murder victim may have been Black Mask himself. —Anarky's challenge to Batman After he left the Final Offer, Batman discovered a transmission from Anarky, who threatened to bomb "corrupt" institutions all over Gotham and challenged the vigilante to deactivate them. Batman found bombs at the bank, casino, and GCPD; he disabled them and received a call from Anarky. The radical was not angry, but instead intrigued by the idea of Batman's crusade; he told him where to find him - the Solomon Wayne Courthouse. Anarky proposed a team-up to eliminate the corruption in Gotham, but Batman refused. Anarky and his followers attempted to defeat him, but Batman won. He unmasked Anarky, and to his shock, learned that the radical was actually a teenager named Lonnie Machin. Anarky was left bereft at his failure and began muttering to himself about how he could have done better; he considered becoming an ally/apprentice to Batman, but decided against the idea. Batman left him to be picked up by the police Arriving at Lacey Towers, Batman learned that the police believed that Penguin had killed Black Mask and investigated the murder scene where Black Mask and his girlfriend had been murdered several days ago. Piecing together the evidence, Batman concluded that the victim was not Black Mask and Penguin had visited the scene after the murder was committed. An unknown intruder had attacked the real murderer, and that murderer may have been a new criminal known as "The Joker". Needing more information to solve the case, mostly a DNA analysis to confirm who the murder's assailant had been, Batman infiltrated the GCPD Building in order to access the National Criminal Database. He came across a wall of pipes, which had Captain Gordon's office on the other side. Gordon was arguing with his daughter over Batman's efforts to try bringing justice to Gotham City, but Gordon was adamant that only the police were the ones who could be responsible for that. Batman continued through the walls and next saw Gordon ordering the GCPD to be on the look out for the seven other assassins, who could possibly cause more destruction and mayhem that night in their attempts to draw out and kill the Batman. Making his way through the building, he learned that the corrupt SWAT leader Howard Branden was determined to claim the bounty and, with Loeb dead, the other corrupt officers were concerned that James Gordon would be considered for Commissioner, and they were already discussing ways to damage his reputation. Finding his way to the Server Room barred by a set of electronic locks and a jamming device, Batman sneaked into the Interrogation Room to confront Loose Lips again about a Disruptor. He learned that it could jam weapons and override security protocols. —Batman shares some of his story Before he could retrieve the Disruptor from the Evidence Room, Batman stumbled upon SWAT's attempt to undermine Gordon: instigating a riot in the Holding Cells by covertly releasing several inmates, including a Venom Henchmen. Batman dealt with the riot, passed the Server Room's locks with the use of his new Disruptor, and attempted to collect the information that he needed. During this he met Gordon's daughter Barbara, who gave him advice on how to establish a permanent connection. Before leaving, she asks Batman what motivates him to be a vigilante; Batman responded that it was due to a promise. At that moment, a tear gas grenade was tossed into the room; Barbara left to distract the officers that attacked, claiming to have been on the phone with a friend. Batman left via the vents, heading back to the roof. In the midst of his escape, Batman encountered Captain Gordon, who still thought the vigilante was as much of a menace as not only the criminals, but also the SWAT team that hoped to eradicate Gordon and collect Black Mask's bounty on Batman for themselves. Gordon was unfortunately knocked unconscious during the course of the fight. With advice from Barbara, Batman entered the sewers beneath the GCPD to secure permanent access to the database. There, he found Black Mask's Gang planting explosives under several buildings, including the GCPD. This was strange since most of the force was in the crime lord's pocket. After he subdued Black Mask's thugs, Batman finally reached the terminal that would allow him to access the database and complete his investigation. The database allowed him to deduce that Black Mask was the third person on the scene, and had sent in a body double as a decoy before he attacked the murderer, only to be subdued and kidnapped by the mysterious Joker, who intended to use Sionis's bio-metric data to access the Gotham Merchant's Bank. Batman confronted three thugs who wore rabbit masks and was contacted by Jervis Tetch, who wished to employ him to help Alice; however, this was all a lie Tetch believed as this woman was a hostage. Batman infiltrated the hat shop that served as Tech's home; he found Tetch dressed as the Mad Hatter from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and a group of thugs Tetch was trying to brainwash with mind-control masks. Batman took out the thugs and pinned Tetch, demanding to know where "Alice' was. However, Tetch instead hypnotized Batman into seeing Wonderland, and explained that "the Queen's forces" were trying to separate him and Alice; he decided to hire Batman as a bodyguard to ensure her safety. Batman broke free of the hypnosis and knocked out Tetch, who was holding "Alice" hostage. He then placed a call to GCPD for a trauma unit for the poor girl and squad car for Tetch's arrest. —Batman learns the Joker was posing as As midnight struck, Batman and Alfred exchanged Christmas well wishes before the Dark Knight came face-to-face with the greatest challenge of his career. Batman found the bank already broken into and full of the dead bodies of Black Mask's men. Batman caught Black Mask in the middle of escaping with the bank's money. In a stand off, the leader of the operation revealed himself to be the Joker in disguise: the Joker had replaced Black Mask days earlier, seized his criminal empire, and placed the bounty on Batman. Before Batman could stop him, the Joker escaped with a captured Black Mask and an ambulance full of cash, which left Batman to catch the strangely hysterical, Bank Manager and escape the exploding vault after the Joker blew up the vault while he departed. Batman survived, stunned by the blast, and found the Bank Manager dead with an enormous grin on her face, the first of the many victims of Joker Toxin. Batman dispatched a team of thugs sent in by Joker to find his body and interrogated the last remaining thug to learn that the Joker had killed members of Black Mask's Gang who wouldn't join him and had taken Black Mask to the Steel Mill. Batman pursued the Joker to the Steel Mill, and intended to capture either the Joker or Sionis. Infiltrating the building, he hacked into Black Mask's computer and found that Sionis had a pacemaker installed and was having the Joker followed. In the elevator, Batman found and scanned the corpse of one of Joker's men, and discovered that he had been poisoned by a neurotoxin that caused powerful hallucinations before eventual death. Continuing toward Black Mask's Office, Batman freed then interrogated the crime boss for the Joker's whereabouts, until the venomous assassin, Copperhead, attacked and poisoned him. Delusional and fading fast, Batman scanned traces of the poison and sent them to Alfred to hastily manufacture a cure. Batman then forced himself to stagger through a gauntlet of hallucinations that consisted of a disappointed Alfred, the Bank Manager, and Commissioner Loeb. Finally making it to the upper floor drop-off point, Batman was forced to fight, from his fevered point of view, multiple illusions of Copperhead, and kept her at bay through sheer willpower. After the container arrived, Batman cured himself, easily defeated Copperhead, and locked her in one of the shipping crates. —Batman sees an evil deeper than the typical Gotham scum Tracking the Joker through the specific electromagnetic signal that was generated by the Electrocutioner's Shock Gloves, led Batman to the Royal Hotel. Batman found that the lunatic and his men had taken control of the building, filled it with explosives, murdered the staff, and had taken the guests hostage. To make things even more complicated, SWAT had arrived on the scene and were making sure that Gordon and the rest of the GCPD didn't know about the takeover. Joker was using the building to hold a meeting with the remaining assassins about their failure to kill Batman, and ended it by kicking the Electrocutioner out of a window to his death. The assassins all departed, except for Bane who believed that Batman would soon be coming for the Joker. Batman recovered the Electrocutioner's Shock Gloves and used them to charge deactivated electrical equipment throughout the hotel and deliver powerful shocks to the army of Joker thugs in his way. Batman worked his way through the building, helping save what was left of the staff and was horrified by the corpses that the Joker had left defaced with numerous Christmas decorations. A concerned Alfred called him, due to the spike in Batman's biometrics. Batman told him that he was fine, but the Joker was something beyond all the crime that he's fought in Gotham. Reaching the top floor, Batman confronted Joker, and fought Bane. Concerned that his charge was outmatched, Alfred alerted the GCPD for help, who interrupted the fight. Batman placed a tracker on Bane as he escaped by helicopter, pausing only to fire a rocket at the Joker. The concussive force sent the Joker falling from the hotel balcony. Batman dived after him and saved the Joker before he left him with the GCPD. —Batman to Alfred in the Batcave Returning to the Batcave, a weary Batman learned that Bane was gunned down by the GCPD and left to investigate the body at the GCPD Morgue. Alfred implored Batman to abandon his crusade, and feared that he would die, but Batman refused to listen. After he entered the GCPD Morgue, Batman discovered the body of a Venom user instead of Bane, and scanned the body to find that it was dosed with chemicals that may have caused both heart and brain damage. Batman heard over the GCPD radio that criminals were fighting over chemical weapons that were orchestrated by Bird, Bane's lieutenant. This lead Batman to the docks, where he found a matchbook from My Alibi, and headed to the night club, where Bird had taken over. Batman subdued bird and left him for the GCPD to imprison. Batman then entered Bane's Field Headquarters, finding a recording left by the brute; Bane was aware that his addiction to Venom could kill him, so he was working on a compound that could give him a permanent increase in strength. Unfortunately, the new formula damaged the brain and left the host with severe memory loss and decreased intelligence. He then discovered computers that were full of evidence: Bane knew that Batman was Bruce Wayne. Enraged, Batman destroyed the computers and warned Alfred that Bane was most likely on his way to Wayne Manor and that he would be safer in the Batcave. Before Batman could return home, Firefly launched an assault on the Gotham Pioneers Bridge, which forced both Batman and Captain Gordon to work together to overcome the assassin and his bombs. In the middle of defusing them, Batman saved Branden from Firefly's thugs. Branden then repaid the vigilante by attempting to attack him, only to be thwarted and left unconscious, naturally. Batman defused all but one of the bombs, but then had to battle the pyromaniac himself. Gordon ignored the vigilante's advice to let him handle the entire operation solo and prevented Firefly from detonating the last bomb. Batman defeated Firefly by damaging his jet pack and left him hanging for the police to arrest. He and Gordon then had a secret met in the aftermath, in which they both admitted they wouldn't have been able to salvage the affair without the other. Meanwhile, Bane broke into the Batcave and beat Alfred nearly to death; Batman was contacted by Bane, who told him that Alfred could say a few last words if the Dark Knight hurried. Batman returned to find the Batcave in ruins and Alfred dying in the rubble. Alfred passed away in Batman's arms, and uttered his final request that Bruce not "add [him] to the weight that he had carried." A desperate Batman managed to resuscitate Alfred by using the Shock Gloves. As they returned to the medical bay, Batman began to express doubts about his ability to protect Gotham. Alfred assured him that Gotham needed Batman, but that he would not be able to protect the city alone. A call came in over the police band: the Joker had taken over Blackgate. —Batman assures Alfred that he won't work alone anymore. Finally accepting that he needed allies, Batman worked with Gordon and the GCPD to retake the prison. He helped free Dr. Harleen Quinzel and some guards from the men loyal to Joker, who now ordered him to be brought in alive. Listening to the Joker over the intercom, Batman learned that the clown enjoyed their last fight and wanted to continue fighting with him as long as possible. Batman found Deathstroke still in his cell after defeating several escapees, but the mercenary had no more interest in the vigilante unless another price were to be put on his head. This was at least one less thing to worry about that night. Finally catching up to the Joker in the Panopticon, Batman was forced to fight Bane to the death as Joker strapped himself, with a hostage Captain Gordon, to an electric chair that would automatically kill him unless a heart beat monitor attached to the chair registered Bane's death. Batman used the Shock Gloves to shock Bane into cardiac arrest. Satisfied, Joker left to detonate his bombs all around the city. Asking Gordon and Warden Joseph for help, Batman revealed that he tricked Joker; seeing that Batman didn't want to kill, Gordon agreed to help. Batman used the Shock Gloves to resuscitate Bane, which was his plan all along, but Bane was enraged because he'd been denied peace. Bane attempted to turn his Venom back on, but found Batman had tore off the control pad. Seeing that the had no other choice, Bane regretfully injected himself with the latest version of his attempt at a super-Venom: TN-1. Bane turned into a hulking beast, which Batman tried to knock out by blowing up the floor underneath them. However, both of them ended up in the cells below. Learning from Alfred, who had been given Bane's research notes, that TN-1 would reach full effect in 10 minutes, Batman managed to force Bane into the electric barriers and knock him out. However, Bane recovered and tossed Batman into another room. Batman set a trap, handing Bane up by his foot and giving him a painful zap. As a bonus, Batman heard Bane mumble that he needed to find the Batman. Wishing him a sarcastic "good luck", Batman left to find the Joker. Upon hearing Gordon call for a paramedic to treat Warden Joseph, Batman rushed over to find them. Finding Joseph on the ground, Batman was grabbed by the head from behind by Killer Croc; at the same time a sniper was aiming at him. Luckily, Gordon hit the sniper as soon as he took a shot; the shot instead grazed Croc's arm. The beast left Batman alone, rushing off into the chaos; he had enough of getting hurt by helping the Joker. Gordon arrived next them, helping Batman fend off inmates seeking to harm the warden. Batman was surprised to see how well Gordon could handle the inmates; the captain explained that he had a rough childhood, so he had to learn how to defend himself against thugs. —In shocking turn of events, Joker may have just told Batman the very reason for his crusade against crime With the warden under Gordon's watch, Batman fought his way to the Joker in the Prison Chapel. The clown was laughing at the chaos he causes, saying that night is best he's had. When it looked like Batman would kill him, the Joker laughed that he was ready so soon after Bane; however, Batman told him that Bane was still alive. Dismayed to learn that Batman had saved Bane, the Joker tried to goad Batman into killing him, but Batman subdued him with a ferocious beatdown and let the clown live, once again. Gordon decided to let Batman go and believed that the vigilante could help the city. Before the end of the night, Gordon contacted Batman to apprehend the 20 escaped Blackgate Prisoners that were all over Gotham. After Batman apprehended the 20 inmates, Gordon thanked Batman for his help. Batman then asked a favor: tell the GCPD to back off and let him do his job. Gordon offered to think about it and Batman told him to not take too long: he had a feeling that they would be doing this again soon. Alfred later discovered the identity of Enigma, a Cyber Division officer of the GCPD named Edward Nashton. Nashton had also informed the Dark Knight that he would reveal the greatest secret of all soon.

    Cold, Cold Heart Incident

    One week later, on New Year's Eve, a week into the city's recovery, Bruce Wayne hosted the Humanitarian of the Year Awards Ceremony at Wayne Manor and fully supported the winner, GothCorp CEO, Ferris Boyle. The party was interrupted by a startling temperature drop and then a gigantic ice explosion in the Ballroom. Wayne Manor was soon under siege by Penguin's thugs, who wielded strange cryogenic weaponry and took the guests hostage. Their leader, a man in a mechanized suit that they called "Mister Freeze", marched in and demanded that Boyle be brought to him. Amid the panic, Bruce slipped away and attempted to contact Alfred with no success. He walked into an ambush set by several thugs, subdued them easily, and rescued Alfred. Bruce left Alfred to take care of the guests in the Manor's Study and entered the Wine Cellar to access another entrance to the Batcave, after he subdued several more of Penguin's thugs along the way. Donning the Batsuit, Batman returned to locate Boyle and found the Manor in flames. Returning to the Library, Batman rescued Alfred, Vicki Vale, and several other guests who had been taken hostage. After he left them in the Study, Batman had a terse conversation with Vale, who had advised him to "manage that image before someone else managed it for him." Batman rescued Boyle from more of Penguin's thugs, but was blind-sided and immobilized by Freeze. The latest of Gotham's new class of criminal expressed no interest in finishing off the vigilante and dragged Boyle away. Batman managed to break free of the ice that had trapped him, disappointed some opportunistic thugs who had thought a half-frozen vigilante would be easy pickings, and confronted the last of the invading force in the Ballroom, which included two thugs in thick padding and another who wielded a scaled-down version of Freeze's own weapon. He interrogated the last remaining thug and learned that one of Penguin's South Gotham dealers might know where Freeze was taking Boyle. Sickened that anyone would attack such a humanitarian, Batman rode the Batwing into the city and vowed to take Freeze down. Batman found South Gotham mostly deserted but chaotic. For starters, the entrance to the Gotham Pioneers Bridge was blocked off by a wall of ice that was erected by ambitious freeze gun thugs, and Anarky's Henchmen were continuing the riots all over the city. While he tried to find Penguin's dealer, Batman found a frozen cop and learned that Penguin's thugs had used cryogenic weapons to freeze people in ice. If he was going to break them all free, Batman needed his Thermal Gloves. After he followed the trail, Batman interrogated Penguin's dealer about Freeze's location and learned that Freeze was located at GothCorp. Batman entered GothCorp to search for Freeze and learn where he was taking Boyle. Batman found Freeze, who had been betrayed by Penguin, and Boyle, who was still Freeze's hostage. Batman distracted Penguin by taking out some snipers as Freeze created a wall of ice behind him as he departed, and trapped Penguin within it. Batman learned from Penguin that the only way to break the ice, was with a cryodrill that his men had stolen and hidden at My Alibi. After he arrived at My Alibi, the Extreme Environment Batsuit arrived from Alfred, and Batman donned the suit. Batman then entered the nightclub to search for the cryogenic drill. He found Loose Lips in the private back room and interrogated him for the drill, but learned that the drill was in pieces. After he retrieved the cryodrill pieces, Batman needed a supercoolant that was used in a lab that was run by a Victor Fries. Batman returned to GothCorp, found Fries's abandoned lab, and learned the truth behind Fries's transformation into Mr. Freeze while he retrieved the supercoolant to use for the cryodrill. Batman returned to the Propellant Lab to break the ice with the cryodrill and left Penguin there, frozen. Batman entered the Cryogenic Testing Facility and found Freeze, Boyle, and Freeze's wife, Nora. Batman disabled the three generators that powered the cryogenic pods. After the generators were disabled, —Batman sees Mr. Freeze is the victim in this story Batman fought Freeze. When Nora was in danger, however, Freeze went to save her, and gave Batman an opening. Batman grabbed Freeze from below and took him down. Boyle was released and activated some coolant pipes. Batman pushed Freeze out of the way and got frozen. Boyle attacked Freeze with one of the pipes, but Batman thawed out just in time to rescue him. Batman brought Boyle to justice by knocking him out and saved Freeze. Batman then saved Nora by restoring her pod and told Freeze that he couldn't give him peace, but justice. Batman then placed the supercoolant into Freeze's suit to restore it to subzero temperature.

    Witnessing the death of his parents traumatized Bruce and shook him so greatly that he swore that he would devote every breath for the rest of his life to eliminate crime and criminals from Gotham City. That, in turn, transformed Bruce Wayne into a dark and brooding figure with a personal grudge against injustice. His traumatized childhood had made it difficult for him to trust people other than Alfred Pennyworth and his various protégés, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Time Drake and Barbara Gordon . Despite his cold demeanor, Bruce genuinely cared for Alfred, whom he saw as a father figure, and for Dick, Jason, Tim and Barbara whom he dearly loved as his own children, though those relationships had been strained at some points,he still showed immense attachment and concern for them as shown when he repeatedly risked getting himself killed by a stubbornly vengeful Jason Todd to persuade the latter to redeem himself without using violence like Batman usually did to stop his enemies and surrender himself to Scarecrow when Tim and Jim were abducted and allow himself to be unmasked and exposed his identity to the world when Scarecrow threatened to kill Tim. Batman also felt remorse for his enemies who were once great allies, such as Harvey Dent, Thomas Elliot or Jason Todd, who became supervillains by adopting the aliases of Two-Face, Hush and Arkham Knight.

    His dedication to fighting crime had gradually turned into a sort of obsession, something with which Batman himself had come to terms with. He vowed to end the evil that took away his parents permanently, and was willing to do everything he could to accomplish this goal. This obsession was balanced with his strong ideals of justice and moral values, which were instilled to him by his humanitarian parents. His dedication was backed up by his indomitable will and his strong resolve. He could also be cruel and cold toward his enemies and other criminals, as he willfully used intimidation and physical assaults against them without hesitation, especially when he interrogated them for information. However, he only used such methods if he felt that those he interrogated would not cooperate with him. In addition, he would sometimes strive to help his foes who had mental illness or instability, as well as risking his own life repeatedly to rescue them from danger, as he was known to have saved the Joker from falling to his death, despite his anger toward him for causing him to consider letting him die or killing him. Batman also blamed himself for the Joker's death, as he became frustrated that he did not deliver the cure to his nemesis when it could have saved him from his death by Titan Disease, as it was considered a violation of his code of not killing, that was even one of the many psychological tortures of the Fear Toxin in Arkham Knight's time.

    To the public, Bruce took on the facade of a irresponsible, fun-seeking, playboy in order to avoid suspicion of his alter-ego. However, even as Bruce Wayne, he had attempted to do good, through charitable campaigns, and renovation projects. As Batman, he revealed his dark, intimidating personality in the form of a bat to frighten the criminals he stood against, and believed theatricality to help him be seen as more than a man. He was not above torturing criminals while he interrogated them, though he limited himself by only beating them, as well as dangling them by their ankles over an edge, and threatened to severely harm them. He left many criminals severely injured with, bruises, broken bones, and bloody gashes, though his precise attacks allowed him to not cause fatal injury. Bruce's ultimate goal was to bring order and justice to Gotham City.

    Batman also had a deep love for humanity, which also backed his no-killing rule, and he truly believed that deep down, people could be good. This caused him to want to help his more prominent foes by getting them treated for mental illness or instability by bringing them to Arkham Asylum. He also had an extreme distaste for firearms, and always tried to refrain from using them, because he considered them to be the weapon of cowards, the same weapon that had killed his parents.

    In Arkham Origins, Batman's suit was much more armored in appearance. The whole suit appeared to be more mechanical, and cosmetic changes were made when he got gadgets like the Electrocutioner's Shock Gloves. The suits overall appearance consisted of a pair of military like pants with kevlar plating in the thigh area. The body consisted of a heavy amount of kevlar padding centered around the chest area. Batman's boots appeared identical to the later suits boot except the knee guards were made up of a strong reinforced carbon fiber / plastic material. The cowl included short ears and a smaller head shape unlike later suits.

    A week after Arkham Origins, Batman donned a special suit to defeat Mr. Freeze in the Cold, Cold Heart DLC. The suit appeared bulkier with more padding and kevlar, the suit also included heating systems and other special equipment. The cowl was modified with a special respirator system which would help Batman to sustain the sub zero temperature cryo gas.

    During the events of Arkham Asylum, Batman used a simple lightweight suit which included major improvements from the previous batsuits. The suit consisted of a rubber like material with Kevlar plating centered around the bat symbol area. The cowl consisted of a rubber like material with special reinforced plating near the facial area, also the ears were extended to resemble a more bat-like creature. This suit also included black trunks, a different bat symbol unlike the Arkham City, Origins, and Knight suit. This suit was most likely a prototype which would later be improved on in Arkham City, hence why the symbol looked different. This is also further backed up by the suit not having features it had in Origins and often referred to as a Basic Batsuit and was easily damaged.

    During Arkham City, Batman's suit has been improved slightly. The changes that were made from the previous suit were the original bat symbol, new gloves and an improved detective vision. Also the cowl was improved with less facial detail unlike Arkham Asylum. The armor of the suit was improved as well as the suit was more resilient to damage.


    Batman's Combat style consisted of a mix of raw strength, martial arts, and his advanced gadgetry. Having the most gadgets than other characters allows variety of options to tackle a situation. Batman could perform a Dive Bomb Attack and Grapnel Boost Takedowns. His standard moves ranged from punches and kicks to blocking moves, counters and throws. Special attacks included Batswarm, Ground Takedown and Disarm and Destroy. In Arkham Asylum, Batman was very slow due to the slow combat tempo, which made it hard to consistently hit an enemy with an incoming attack or to dodge an incoming projectile; players, therefore, must make good use of the counter and evasion moves. In Arkham City onward, the combat tempo got much quicker. Batman had a lower rate of failing when fighting thugs. However, he still easily failed if the player tried to hit a ninja with an incoming counterable attack (without the Freeflow Focus Mode) and got Batman hit, which is proof that Batman was the slowest playable character as other characters could get away with that. Story-wise, this could be explained by his age. Gameplay-wise, this was to limit his abilities to some degrees because he had the best gadgets and the most powerful moves, especially the Special Combo Disarm and Destroy.


    •Batarang - Thrown at thugs to stun or knock them over. Also used to hit buttons. it can also be used to explode fire extinguishers to surprise enemies, or provide cover to take one down silently. They can also be used to distract enemies by throwing them near-by. •Batclaw - Used to disarm thugs or pull foes closer. Could be used to pull down vents or weak walls. •Explosive Gel - Can be sprayed onto weak surfaces to remove them with a controlled explosion. Can also be sprayed nearly anywhere else to knock or disorient nearby enemies. •Smoke Pellet - Used to escape from armed henchmen when under fire or to easily get the jump on those caught inside. •Grapple Hook/Gun - Used to grapple to vantage points and ledges. By Arkham Knight, the force is enough to launch Batman a dozen or two meters in the air. •Sonic Batarang - Used to attract the attention of nearby foes and can incapacitate them when detonated. However, they have the downside of never working twice in the same area if detonated to knock out an enemy. •Remote Control Batarang - Batarangs which could be remote controlled to move in any direction, with adjustable speeds. Can be used to trick enemies into thinking Batman is in the wrong direction, or to take enemies by surprised by using the reverse batarang feature. •Remote Claw - Used to aim at enemies to attach and pull them together to knock the unconscious temporarily. It can use to attach objects to enemies and or hang them from vantage points (the gadget was used by Deathstroke before Batman took it). •Concussion Detonator - Used to throw at enemies and as it detonates it flashes at them and causes dizziness. •Glue Grenade - Thrown at enemies to stick them in glue and can block steam vents. But the glue grenade was unstable and has degraded into dust since the events of Arkham Origins. •Remote Electrical Charge Gun - Used to shock foes or activate items such as doors. Can be used to disable Jammers and Optical Camouflage armor. •Freeze Blast - Caused the target to be frozen in ice and unable to move. Can be used to block steam vents and allow passage. •Line Launcher - Launched a horizontal wire which allowed travel over gaps. •Cryptographic Sequencer - Used to hack security consoles. •Disruptor - Used to override guns, medic packs, gun crates, detonate mines and sabotage other various pieces of . •Voice Synthesizer - Used to mimic any voice to manipulate thugs and identified to voice access codes with the synthesizer. It can only be use so many times before the enemy figures out the trick, and either ceases orders or changes radio channels. •Remote Hacking Device - Used to access radio frequencies, hack security consoles, sabotage parts of an environment (such as exploding a generator) and download security codes on drones controlled by the militia that can turn the drones against them. Can be used to control the airship's system. •Gel Launcher - Launches sticky explosives. Functions like the Explosive Gel, but at a range. (Used only in Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate). •Double Batarang - Two batarangs can be thrown simultaneously. •Triple Batarang - Three batarans can be thrown simultaneously. •Thermal Batarang - Heated batarang that can be used to melt things such as ice stalactites. (Used only in the Cold, Cold Heart DLC for Batman: Arkham Origins.) •Shock Gloves - Gloves that build up an electric charge. When fully charged, Batman can activate them to be able to attack any enemy directly regardless of their armor and/or weaponry. (Used only in Batman: Arkham Origins). •Thermal Gloves - Heated gloves that can melt ice. (Used only in the Cold, Cold Heart DLC for Batman: Arkham Origins.) •Ultra Batclaw - Used to pull down walls that Explosive Gel cannot reach. Also allows vent covers to be pulled down faster than the regular Batclaw. (Used only in Batman: Arkham Asylum). •Shock Batarang - Batarang that carries an electric charge and can be used to activate junction boxes, shock enemies and disable drones. (Used only in Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate). •Freeze Blast - Blocks the movement of the enemies standing next to him •Rebreather - Allows Batman to breathe underwater while swimming (only seen in a cutscene in Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate)

    GCPD Bulletin Profile

    FROM GCPD FILES: Suspect is to be responsible for multiple assaults against both criminal and law enforcement identity of suspect currently unknown. Conflicting reports of a suspect range from highly trained individual or individuals. To allegations of a "Large Winged Creature" sporadic sightings first reported two years ago, frequent sightings up the last six months. Limited photographic and evidence suggests a single individual a white male adult utilizing a dark militarized armor with unexplained high mobility. Various statements indicate the suspect armed with weaponry, tools, and some of unsubstantiated unlicensed low flying aircraft. Considered Armed and Extremely Dangerous. Multiple cases of have proven suspect is an expert in Hand to Hand Combat and Evasion Specialist. If SIGHTED Do Not Engage await deployment and further instructions from SWAT Personnel.

    Arkham Asylum

    •Batman's design was based on the art of Jim Lee; he drew Batman as a strong, muscular character who could plausibly handle himself in a fight. The costume composed of black and dark gray was based on the character's modern outfit.

    Arkham City

    •In the first Catwoman Mission, a portrait could be found with the inscription: "Cain & Abel - The Duality of Man". This was a reference to Two-Face and the end of the game where Cain and Abel's pose was similar to how Batman was carrying the dead Joker, their pose was also a reference to the story "A Death in the Family", where Joker killed Jason Todd, the second Robin, and Batman carried his corpse away with the same pose.

    Arkham Origins

    •The name "Batman" was used sparingly to emphasize how in that point in his career, Batman was largely considered an urban myth. Whenever he was referred to as such, it was usually in a vague matter (i.e. "the Bat-Man"). •It was suggested that Batman had made mistakes because of his inexperience (such as tripping or missing with Batarangs), but this idea was discarded as inconsistent with the character. His inexperience was instead personality-based: learning how to be the city's protector and overcoming his obsession with vengeance.

    Batman: Arkham Asylum

    •You'll never beat me, Joker. I won't let you win.

    •You'll never win, Joker. I'll always be here to stop you.

    Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League

    •You've outlived your infamy long enough.

    •I'm finding that all criminals die the same.

  3. Batman: Arkham is a series of action-adventure video games based on the DC Comics character Batman, developed by Rocksteady Studios and WB Games Montréal. The franchise consists of four main titles, with additional mobile games, and a virtual reality game.

  4. Based on the DC Comics superhero Batman, it is the successor to the 2013 video game Batman: Arkham Origins, a direct sequel to Batman: Arkham City (2011) and the fourth main installment in the Batman: Arkham series.

  5. The Batman: Arkham Series is a franchise of video games, comics, novels, and animated movies that started with Batman: Arkham Asylum in 2009.