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  1. Francisco I de Médici (em italiano: Francesco I de' Medici; Florença, 25 de março de 1541 — Florença, 19 de outubro de 1587) foi o filho mais velho de Cosme I de Médici e Leonor de Toledo. Foi Grão-Duque da Toscana de 1574 a 1587.

  2. Biography. Francesco I of Tuscany as a young boy, painted by Bronzino. Born in Florence, Francesco was the son of Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, and Eleanor of Toledo. [1] He served as regent for his father Cosimo after he retired from his governing duties in 1564.

  3. The first grand duke of the new dynasty, Francis I, was a great-great-great-grandson of Francesco I de' Medici, thus he continued the Medicean Dynasty on the throne of Tuscany through the female line.

  4. A Casa de Médici (em italiano: Medici) foi uma dinastia política italiana. A família teve origem na região de Mugello na Toscana. O poder político dos Médici aumentou, até que passaram a governar Florença - embora oficialmente eles fossem apenas cidadãos comuns, em vez de monarcas.

  5. Francesco I de' Medici, figlio di Cosimo I de' Medici e della di lui prima moglie Eleonora di Toledo, fu il secondo Granduca di Toscana dal 1564 alla morte, avvenuta improvvisamente e misteriosamente nel 1587.

  6. Some of the greatest portraits of Western art were painted in Florence during the tumultuous years from 1512 to 1570, when the city was transformed from a republic with elected officials into a duchy ruled by the Medici family. The key figure in this transformation was Cosimo I deMedici, who became Duke of Florence in 1537, following the ...

  7. Son of Cosimo I de' Medici (1519-1574) and of Eleanor of Toledo, Francesco became Grand Duke of Tuscany at his father's death in 1574. In 1565, he had married Joan of Austria, sister of Emperor Maximilian II (1527-1576), who influenced her brother's decision to grant the Medici the Granducal title.