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  1. Roberto IV (1241 — 14 de novembro de 1282) foi conde de Dreux e de Braine-sur-Vesle, filho de João I, Conde de Dreux e de Maria de Bourbon-Dampierre. Em 1272, lutou ao lado do rei Filipe III da França em Languedoc e esteve presente na captura de Foix.

  2. Roberto IV (1241 — 14 de novembro de 1282) foi conde de Dreux e de Braine-sur-Vesle, filho de João I, Conde de Dreux e de Maria de Bourbon-Dampierre. Em 1272, lutou ao lado do rei Filipe III da França em Languedoc e esteve presente na captura de Foix.

  3. Robert IV of Dreux (1241–1282), Count of Dreux, Braine and Montfort-l'Amaury, was the son of John I of Dreux [1] and Marie of Bourbon. [2] Robert fought with Philip III of France in 1272 in his expedition to the Languedoc and was present at the capture of Foix.

  4. Roberto IV de Dreux, nascido em 1241, morreu em 1282, conde de Dreux e Braine, filho de Jean I er, conde de Dreux e Maria de Bourbon. Ele lutou com Philippe III le Bold , rei da França em 1272 durante uma expedição ao Languedoc e participou da captura de Foix .

  5. Robert IV de Dreux, né en 1241, mort en 1282, comte de Dreux et de Braine, fils de Jean Ier, comte de Dreux, et de Marie de Bourbon. Il combattit avec Philippe III le Hardi, roi de France en 1272 lors d'une expédition au Languedoc et participa à la prise de Foix.

    • 12 novembre 1282
    • 1241
    • Maison capétienne de Dreux
    • Abbatiale Saint-Yved de Braine
  6. 28 de abr. de 2022 · Robert IV of Dreux (1241 – 1282), Count of Dreux, Braine and Montfort-l'Amaury was the son of John I of Dreux and Marie of Bourbon. Robert fought with Philip III of France in 1272 in his expedition to the Languedoc and was present at the capture of Foix.

  7. Robert I, Count of Dreux - Wikipedia. Robert I of Dreux, nicknamed the Great (c. 1123 – 11 October 1188), was the fifth son of Louis VI of France and Adélaide de Maurienne. [1] Life. In 1137 he received the County of Dreux as an appanage from his father. [2] . He held this title until 1184 when he granted it to his son Robert II.