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  1. Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff (8 July 1803 – 9 August 1851), anglicised as Charles Gutzlaff, was a German Lutheran missionary to the Far East, notable as one of the first Protestant missionaries in Bangkok, Thailand (1828) and in Korea (1832).

  2. Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff (Estetino, 8 de julho de 1803 – Hong Kong, 9 de agosto de 1851), anglicizado como Charles Gutzlaff, foi um missionário alemão no extremo oriente, notável como um dos primeiros missionários protestantes em Bangkok, Tailândia (1828) e na Coreia do Sul (1832).

  3. Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff war ein deutscher evangelischer Missionar, der ab 1827 in Fernost wirkte. Er zählt zu den frühen Vertretern der sogenannten Glaubensmission. Während des Ersten Opiumkriegs spielte er eine wichtige nachrichtendienstliche Rolle für die Kriegsführung des britischen Expeditionskorps in China.

  4. Karl Gützlaff was born into a devout Pomeranian family. He dedicated his life to Christ in June 1821 while studying at a mission school in Berlin, and in 1826 the Netherlands Missionary Society sent him to Indonesia. Gützlaff was the first of many missionaries who came to China from Continental Europe.

  5. Gützlaff: Karl Friedrich August G., der Apostel China's, durch groß- und eigenartige Wirksamkeit in der Missionsgeschichte hervorragend, wurde als eines armen Schneiders Sohn am 8. Juli 1803 zu Pyritz in Pommern geboren.

  6. Rev. Dr. Karl Gützlaff (often anglicised as Charles Gutzlaff) was a distinguished sinologist. Born in Germany, he went to Batavia (Jakarta) as a protestant missionary in 1826. He then travelled to Macau by way of Bangkok, arriving in 1831, where he was engaged as a Chinese interpreter on opium ships, sailing up and down the Chinese coast.

  7. 29 de out. de 2018 · This essay challenges the ‘methodological territorialism’ and ‘methodological nationalism’ prevalent in recent studies of imperial biographies, examining the role of the German Karl Friedrich August Gützlaff (1801–1851) in establishing a transnational form of free-trade imperialism in China.