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  1. Eduard Roschmann was an Austrian Nazi SS officer and commandant of the Riga ghetto in Latvia during World War II. He was responsible for numerous murders and atrocities, and was known as the "Butcher of Riga" in a novel and film.

  2. Eduard Roschmann ( 25 de novembro de 1908, Graz, Áustria — 8 de agosto de 1977, Assunção, Paraguai) foi um austríaco nazi da Schutzstaffel e Obersturmführer. [ 1]

  3. Arrest warrant against Eduard Roschmann, commandant of the Ghetto Riga in 1942 - 1944, issued by the Hamburg Regional Court (Landgericht), 1967.

  4. Eduard Roschmann (Graz, Austria-Hungría, 1908 - Asunción, Paraguay, 1977) fue capitán de la organización nazi Schutzstaffel (SS), [1] y comandante del gueto de Riga en 1943. Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial fue responsable de numerosos asesinatos y otras atrocidades.

  5. Eduard Roschmann war ein österreichischer SS-Angehöriger, der im Zweiten Weltkrieg das Rigaer Ghetto und das KZ Riga-Kaiserwald leitete. Er floh nach dem Krieg nach Südamerika und starb 1977 in Paraguay.

  6. Report regarding the life and activities of Eduard Roschmann concerning the crimes he committed as part of his job as commandant of the Riga-Kaiserwald concentration camp and the Riga Ghetto, 1977.

  7. 8 de ago. de 2020 · Foi a ratline organizada pelo bispo austríaco na sede do Vaticano que permitiu a fuga de vários dos fugitivos do alto escalão do regime nazista, incluindo Eichmann, Mengele e Eduard Roschmann ...