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  1. Barbara Zápolya (1495 - 2 de outubro de 1515) foi Rainha da Polônia e Grã-Duquesa da Lituânia enquanto primeira esposa do Rei da Polônia Sigismundo I. Era a filha de um nobre húngaro , Estêvão Zápolya , [ 1 ] e da princesa polaca Edviges de Cieszyn .

  2. Barbara Zápolya (Hungarian: Szapolyai Borbála, 1495–1515) was Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania as the first wife of King Sigismund I the Old from 1512 to 1515. Marriage to Barbara represented an alliance between Sigismund and the House of Zápolya against the Habsburgs in succession disputes over the throne to the Kingdom of Hungary .

  3. Degemer; Kemmoù diwezhañ; Ur bajenn dre zegouezh; Meneger hollek

  4. Barbara Zápolya. Barbara Zápolya (ur. 11 lutego [3] 1490 lub 1494 – 6, zm. 2 października 1515 w Krakowie) – córka węgierskiego magnata i cieszyńskiej Piastówny, polska królowa i wielka księżna litewska w latach 1512–1515 jako pierwsza żona Zygmunta Starego . Była pierwszą monarchinią koronowaną po 58-letniej przerwie od ...

  5. Barbara Zápolya. Hedwig Jagiellon ( Polish: Jadwiga Jagiellonka, Lithuanian: Jadvyga Jogailaitė, German: Hedwig Jagiellonica; 15 March 1513 – 7 February 1573) was a member of the Jagiellonian dynasty as a daughter of Sigismund I the Old of Poland. She was Electress of Brandenburg by marriage to Joachim II Hector, Elector of Brandenburg .

  6. Vladislaus's brother, Polish king Sigismund I the Old, married John's younger sister, Barbara Zápolya in early 1512. This increased the influence of the Zápolyas, but only in the short term, as Barbara died in 1515. To show off his wealth, John went with Barbara to Poland accompanied by 800 horsemen who wore gilded clothes.

  7. Barbara Zápolya. Das Adelswappen derer von Zápolya und der Königin Barbara. Barbara Zápolya (* 1495; † 2. Oktober 1515 in Krakau) war ab 1512 durch Heirat Königin von Polen und Großfürstin von Litauen. Sie entstammte dem ungarischen Adelsgeschlecht der Zápolya .