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  1. Hans Hermann von Katte was a Prussian nobleman and a friend and possible lover of Frederick II, who was executed by his father in 1730. He was accused of treason for helping Frederick plot to escape to Britain and died with joy in his heart.

  2. Hans Hermann von Katte ( Berlim, 28 de fevereiro de 1704 – Küstrin, 6 de novembro de 1730) era um tenente do exército prussiano e um amigo, tutor e possível amante do futuro rei Frederico II da Prússia, que na época era o príncipe herdeiro.

  3. Ein Leutnant der preußischen Armee und Jugendfreund Friedrichs II., der 1730 hingerichtet wurde. Er war ein geistvoller, weltgewandter und hochmütiger Offizier, der den Kronprinzen in einer Fluchtversuch half.

  4. Lieutenant Hans Hermann von Katte, the young officer who had been his accomplice in the plan, was executed in Frederick’s presence, and there was for a short time a real possibility that the prince might share his fate.

  5. 6 de nov. de 2008 · Learn about the tragic fate of Hans Hermann von Katte, a Prussian officer who was executed in 1730 at the order of Frederick William I, the father of Frederick the Great. Find out how this event shaped the life and career of the future king of Prussia.

  6. A brief biography of a Prussian lieutenant and a friend of Friedrich II, who wrote a memoir about his military career. The web page also provides links to related entries and content in Oxford Reference.

  7. Hans Hermann von Katte war ein preußischer Offizier und Freund von Friedrich dem Großen, der 1730 wegen Hochverrats hingerichtet wurde. Erfahren Sie mehr über seine Herkunft, seine Reisen, seine Rolle bei der Fluchtversuch des Kronprinzen und seine Enthauptung.