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  1. Louis Pierre Louvel, né le 7 octobre 1783 [1] à Versailles et guillotiné le 7 juin 1820 à Paris, est un ouvrier sellier français. Entre le 2 janvier 1799 et le 12 avril 1808 il fait partie du bataillon principal de la Garde impériale sous le matricule 1640 [2].

  2. Louis Pierre Louvel (7 October 1783 – 7 June 1820) was the assassin of Charles Ferdinand, Duke of Berry . Born in Versailles, Louvel was the son of a haberdasher, learned the profession of a saddler, and entered in 1806 in the service of the artillery. [1]

  3. Ferdinard was stabbed on leaving an opera house in Paris by Louis Pierre Louvel, a fanatical Bonapartist who craved nothing less than the eradication of the Bourbon monarchy. Thistlewood was newly invigorated on hearing of Louvel’s deed, believing that the time had come to strike against aristocratic and monarchical rule in Britain.

  4. Louis Pierre Louvel ( Versailles, 7 ottobre 1783 – Parigi, 7 giugno 1820) era un sellaio francese di fede bonapartista. Fu l'assassino del duca di Berry, il secondo figlio di Carlo X .

  5. 21 de jun. de 2020 · Le duc de Berry se meurt. Il y a deux cents ans, le 7 juin 1820, on guillotinait à Paris, en place de Grève, l'ouvrier sellier Louis Pierre Louvel. Quatre mois plus tôt, ce jeune bonapartiste orphelin de son empereur avait croisé, pour une issue fatale, la route du neveu du roi Louis XVIII, héritier du trône de France...Visuel ...

  6. Louis Pierre Louvel, nascido em 7 de outubro de 1783 em Versalhes e guilhotinado em 7 de junho de 1820, place de Grève em Paris, é um trabalhador seleiro bonapartista francês , que fez história ao assassinar o duque de Berry, em Paris, na noite de 13 para 14 de fevereiro de 1820, pelo qual foi condenado à morte em 6 de junho.

  7. 1 de fev. de 2007 · In their most extreme form they amounted to nothing less than an iconography of regicide, like the placards demanding the assassination of the king, or celebrating the Bonapartist Louis-Pierre Louvel, whose actual assassination of the duc de Berry in February 1820 sent shock waves through the Bourbon establishment.