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  1. Islam teaches that Jesus' original message was altered (taḥrīf) after his being raised alive. The monotheism (tawḥīd) of Jesus is emphasized in the Quran. Like all prophets in Islam, Jesus is also called a Muslim, as he preached that his followers should adopt the 'straight path' (Ṣirāṭ al-Mustaqīm).

  2. In the Quran, there are many stories about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ (called 'Isa in Arabic). The Quran recalls his miraculous birth, his teachings, the miracles he performed by God's permission, and his life as a respected prophet of God.

  3. The Quran refers to Jesus as the Messiah (al-Maseeh) at least nine times. One of the explanations given by Muslim lexicographers is that Jesus was the Messiah because he anointed the eyes of the blind to cure them (Quran 3:43; Mark 6:13; James 5:14), or because he used to lay hands on the sick. Sign

  4. Jesus through Muslim eyes. In the year 630 A.D, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) achieved one of his most cherished goals: the occupation of Mecca and the subsequent cleansing...

  5. In Islam, Jesus is a figure shrouded in reverence, yet often misunderstood by those outside the Islamic faith. This article aims to demystify the Islamic perspective of Jesus, delving into the Quranic portrayal of his identity, his teachings, and his role in Islamic theology.

  6. Prophet ‘Isa (as) (also known as Jesus) is the penultimate messenger of Allah (swt), sent around 570 years before the last and final Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (saw). He is, of course, an important figure in Islam, mentioned in the Qur’an several times.

  7. O Islã considera Jesus um dos maiores e mais pacientes e tolerantes dos profetas, em adição a Noé, Abraão, Moisés e Muhammad, que Deus os exalte. Jesus também é considerado o Messias.