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  1. 4 de fev. de 2024 · The Academy of Performing Arts in Prague Theatre Faculty (DAMU) Film and TV School (FAMU) Music and Dance Faculty (HAMU)

  2. The Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (AMU) is the leading art school in the Czech Republic and its broad scope makes it a unique art and educational institution in Central Europe. AMU offers education in theatrical, cinematic and TV art as well as in music and dance.

  3. The Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (Czech: Akademie múzických umění v Praze, AMU) is a university in the centre of Prague, Czech Republic, specialising in the study of music, dance, drama, film, television and multi-media.

  4. Doctoral programmes are focused on independent investigative work based on theoretical and methodological research, or on research and development through creative artistic activity. The standard programme duration is at least three years and at most four years, depending on the accreditation.

  5. Pozvánka na zasedání Akademického senátu FAMU 12. 9. 2024. 02.09.2024. FAMU mezi patnácti nejlepšími filmovými školami na světě podle časopisu The Hollywood Reporter. 28.08.2024. Spuštění Intranetu FAMU. 27.08.2024. Prezentace koncepce rozvoje katedry uchazečky na pozici vedoucí Katedry dokumentární tvorby FAMU 28.

  6. 9 de nov. de 2017 · The Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (AMU) is a leading educational art institution in Central Europe. The university is divided into three independent faculties, each specialised in its own artistic endeavour: theatre (DAMU), film and TV (FAMU) and music and dance (HAMU).

  7. The Academy of Performing Arts (AMU) is the university of music, dance, drama, film, TV and multi-media studies. It was founded by the Presidential Decree of October 27, 1945. A year later, in the winter semester of 1946, it was opened for students.