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  1. Holy Family Canossian School | 嘉諾撒聖家學校. 2024-04-08 20240316_PTA親子製作麵粉公仔班...

  2. › religious-educationRELIGIOUS EDUCATION

    Religious Education Program Overview. Our Religious Education Program at Holy Family Parish is for students in ages 3 through 8th grade and is intended to help Parents to hand on the Deposit of Catholic Faith to their Children, so that they may come to understand the richness of the Catholic faith, and come to deeper communion with Christ.

  3. 嘉諾撒聖家學校九龍塘前身為嘉諾撒聖家學校上午校),由嘉諾撒仁愛女修會主辦於1954年在九龍城聯合道創校2001年11月正式遷往九龍塘的千禧校舍。. 本校為一所政府資助的女子小學校風淳樸學風勤謹致力立德樹人。.

  4. Since April 2023, our school has established a sister school relationship with Pingshan New Area Foreign Language School in Pingshan District, Shenzhen...

  5. Holy Family School was about to open in 1913 when the Great Flood overwhelmed Franklinton and the surrounding area. The basement flooded but the school provided refuge for many from lower ground. The school was designed in a Romanesque Revival style with ornamental parapets.

  6. 簡介. 本校為發掘學生各方面的潛能讓其各展所長並培養多元智能的發展每年均舉辦不同類型的課外活動和表演會鼓勵學生積極參與使學生在德靈六育方面得到均衡的發展達致本校全人教育的理想。. 本校為學生安排多項 ...

  7. Join the official Facebook page of Holy Family Canossian School (Kowloon Tong) and stay connected with the latest news, events and updates of the school.