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  1. The Classical Lyceum Umberto I was founded in 1862 in Naples, Italy, and named after the Prince of Piedmont. The first principal was Prof. Raffaele d'Ambra, a historian and scholar of topography. It was located at vico Sant'Agostino Maggiore.

  2. The Lyceum's unique program combines academic standards that can compete with other prestigious private schools with a serious emphasis on knowing and living our Catholic faith and culture.

  3. Il Liceo Classico favorisce una formazione letteraria, storica e filosofica idonea a comprenderne il ruolo nello sviluppo della civiltà e della tradizione occidentale e nel mondo contemporaneo sotto un profilo simbolico, antropologico e di confronto di valori.

  4. Classical Lyceum Umberto I is a high school in Rome, Italy. Follow its Facebook page to see updates, photos and videos of its students and activities.

  5. Columbus Classical Academy (CCA) is a private classical school in central Ohio, serving grades K-9, adding a grade each year through grade twelve. CCA is a Hillsdale College Curriculum School.

  6. › wiki › Q48804825Umberto I - Wikidata

    5 de mar. de 2021 · classical lyceum in Palermo in the province of Palermo (Italy) [school id: PAPC09000Q]

  7. Tuition Assistance. Families may qualify for need-based tuition assistance. Each family’s specific circumstances and needs are taken into account, including: household income and wealth; the number of children enrolling; and. unique financial circumstances affecting the capacity to pay.