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  1. Yale’s first and foremost child prodigy, Jonathan Edwards matriculated at Yale (then Collegiate School of Connecticut) in 1716 just before reaching 13. At this time, entrance into college required fluency in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew.

  2. Jonathan Edwards College (informally JE) is a residential college at Yale University. It is named for theologian and minister Jonathan Edwards, a 1720 graduate of Yale College. JE's residential quadrangle was the first to be completed in Yale's residential college system, and was opened to undergraduates in 1933.

  3. JE has the proud distinction of being the first of Yales residential colleges to open in 1933. Built in traditional Gothic style, our college features a breathtaking Great Hall, two picturesque libraries, and elaborate masonry that will thrill the most hardcore Harry Potter fan.

  4. Yales first and foremost child prodigy, Jonathan Edwards matriculated at Yale (then Collegiate School of Connecticut) in 1716 just before reaching 13. At this time, entrance into college required fluency in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew.

  5. In 1933, he became the namesake of Jonathan Edwards College, the first of the 12 residential colleges of Yale, and The Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University was founded to provide scholarly information about Edwards' writings.

  6. 8 de dez. de 2023 · Em resumo, a obra Jonathan Edwards, uma antologia é excelente porta de entrada para quem está começando a estudar a vida e obra do teólogo do avivamento. O livro oferece um acesso tanto às suas principais ideias quanto à sua biografia.

  7. Jonathan Edwards ( 5 de outubro de 1703 - 22 de março de 1758) [ 1] foi pregador congregacional, teólogo calvinista e missionário aos índios americanos, e é considerado um dos maiores filósofos norte-americanos .