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  1. Trilha sonora: Finestkind, por Carter Burwell. História dos irmãos Tom (Ben Foster) e Charlie (Toby Wallace), que cresceram separados e acabam se reencontrando já adultos durante um verão. O compositor Carter Burwell trabalhou nas trilhas das séries "Catarina, a Menina Chamada Passarinha" (2022) e "The Morning Show" (2019 - até agora) e ...

  2. Se você gostou de “Quatro Irmãos” e está à procura de filmes semelhantes, continue lendo. A seguir, listamos 5 filmes parecidos com “Quatro Irmãos” disponíveis nas plataformas de ...

  3. There's clearly a divide going on between escapism entertainment that fathers enjoy, and art about being a father. So to celebrate Father's Day, here are our favorite picks for both, movies about dads and movies for dads.

  4. As the settlers eat, drink, and dance one evening, an Apache war party approaches in the dark. They attack the dance and kill dozens of men, women, and children, setting fire to the entire town ...

  5. O filme explora a tensão entre o que é moralmente correto e os laços familiares, usando o ambiente claustrofóbico do bunker para aumentar o suspense.

  6. His fifth LP, “Fathers & Sons” (Columbia/Seven Ridges), out now, is a concept record about parenthood that’s a perfect match for Mr. Combs’s warm and engaging style.

  7. Phil Harrison’s Silverback is a dark and unnerving tale of heartless fathers and damaged sons, told in a spare, clinical tone across a slim number of pages.