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  1. Há 5 dias · Com faro muito apurado, urro alto e boa resistência ao clima e terreno do centro-norte do Brasil, o rastreador brasileiro foi criado nos anos 1950, por Oswaldo Aranha Filho, com o objetivo de ajudar caçadores no momento de acuar e abater a presa.

  2. › wiki › Cao_CaoCao Cao - Wikipedia

    15 de jun. de 2024 · Cao Cao (pronunciation ⓘ; [tsʰǎʊ tsʰáʊ]; Chinese: 曹操; c. 155 – 15 March 220), courtesy name Mengde, was a Chinese statesman, warlord, and poet who rose to power during the end of the Han dynasty (c. 184–220), ultimately taking effective control of the Han

  3. Há 6 dias · Cao Cao took part in suppressing the Yellow Turban rebellion in 184 as a Commandant of Cavalry. He was then appointed Chancellor of Jinan Commandery, where he set about removing officials under the influence of the imperial family. Cao Cao became afraid of the enemies he had made at court so he left his post.

  4. Há 2 dias · Kao was born in Shanghai. His family settled in Hong Kong in 1949. He graduated from St. Joseph's College in Hong Kong in 1953 and went to London to study electrical engineering.

  5. Há 2 dias · 生平. 早年生平. 东汉 永寿 元年155年),曹操出生于沛国 谯县 (今安徽亳州)的一个 宦官 家族,养 祖父 是宦官 曹腾 ,历侍四代天子, 汉桓帝 时封为费亭侯。 父親 曹嵩 是曹騰養子, 汉灵帝 时官至 太尉 。 《 三國志 》中記載曹操远祖是 漢代 初期的 相国 曹参 ,但是 裴松之註 曰:“嵩,夏侯氏之子, 夏侯惇 之叔父。 太祖于惇为从父兄弟” [7] ; 胡三省 註《 資治通鑑 》稱:「曹氏,夏侯氏之出也」 [2] :9 ;曹氏先世實屬難考 [2] :13 。 曹操少年时机警、权数 [2] :14 。 十岁时曾经在家乡击退鳄鱼 [8] ,但性格放荡不羁 [2] :14 。 曹操的叔父 曹熾 數次在曹嵩面前批評曹操,曹操聽到後心生不满。

  6. › wiki › Elaine_ChaoElaine Chao - Wikipedia

    Há 1 dia · Elaine Lan Chao (born March 26, 1953) is an American businesswoman and former government official who served as United States secretary of labor in the administration of George W. Bush from 2001 to 2009 and as United States Secretary of Transportation in the administration of Donald Trump from 2017 to 2021.

  7. Há 2 dias · 此條目頁的主題是東漢末年大臣三國時曹魏政權的奠基者。 關於曹操的其他條目及民間藝術,請見「 曹操 (消歧義) 」。 曹操 (155年—220年3月15日), 曹嵩 之子, 字 孟德 , 一名 吉利 , 小字 阿瞞 , 沛國 譙縣 (今 安徽 亳州 )人 [2] :1 。 東漢 末年 著名的 丞相 、 外戚 、 軍事家 、 政治家 、 文學家 和 詩人 ,東漢末年主要群雄之一,為漢末實際上的最高掌權者,亦是 三國時代 曹魏 奠基者。 其子 曹丕 建立 曹魏 , 追尊 其 廟號 為 太祖 ,追諡 武皇帝 。 早年與 袁紹 相處甚厚,袁紹與 何進 欲盡誅 閹宦 ,引董卓入京。 後 董卓 禍亂朝野,授予曹操為 驍騎校尉 ,想要與曹操共事。 曹操更名改姓,東歸陳留,聚義兵隨多路諸侯一同 討伐董卓 。