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  1. Há 1 dia · No fim de agosto, o Duque de Sussex viajou à Inglaterra para acompanhar o enterro de seu tio, Robert Fellowes, que foi casado com a irmã mais velha da Princesa Diana (1961-1997), Lady Jane Fellowes, e atuou como secretário pessoal da Rainha Elizabeth II (1926 - 2022). William também compareceu, mas não falou com o caçula.

  2. Há 2 dias · General John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, 1st Prince of Mindelheim, 1st Count of Nellenburg, Prince of the Holy Roman Empire, KG, PC (26 May 1650 – 16 June 1722 O.S. [a]) was an English soldier and statesman.

  3. 9 de set. de 2024 · On 8 September 2018, George, the Marquess of Blandford and future 13th Duke of Marlborough, married his childhood sweetheart, Camilla Thorp, at Blenheim Palace. As the couple celebrate their wedding anniversary, revisit Tatler’s exclusive feature from the January 2019 issue.

    • Tatler
  4. 11 de set. de 2024 · Em 11 de setembro de 1709, no que é hoje a fronteira franco-belga ao norte de Bavay, o Exército do Rei Sol comandado pelo marechal Villars enfrentou os exércitos da coalizão liderados pelo Duque de Marlborough e Eugène de Savoie.

  5. 31 de ago. de 2024 · Tras traicionar al hijo ilegítimo de Carlos II, el duque de Monmouth, Sunderland se insinuó hábilmente ante el nuevo rey Jaime II.

  6. Há 6 dias · The manor descended like that of East Overton in Overton to George Spencer, duke of Marlborough (d. 1817), whose trustees sold it in 1820 to Charles BrudenellBruce, earl, later marquess, of Ailesbury, the owner in 1847.

  7. Há 2 dias · In addition to the inhabitants mentioned under individual houses the following have also been noted as living in Great Marlborough Street, but in which houses is not known: Gervase Spencer, painter of miniatures, 1749 and 1761; and John Logan, poet, who is said to have died in a house in the street in 1788.