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  1. Hans-Otto Meissner. Hans-Otto Meissner (4 June 1909 – 8 September 1992) was a German lawyer and Nazi diplomat, posted in London, Tokyo, Moscow, and Milan, among other cities. He is best known as a writer and novelist publishing a series of books, which proved successful.

  2. Há 1 dia · The Battle of Kursk was a major World War II Eastern Front battle between the forces of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union near Kursk in southwestern Russia during the summer of 1943, resulting in a Soviet victory.

    • Soviet victory
  3. Há 1 dia · However, at a cabinet meeting on 2 December, Papen was informed by Schleicher's associate General Eugen Ott that Reichswehr war games showed there was no way to maintain order against the Nazis and Communists.

  4. 17 de ago. de 2024 · His position allowed him to access high-ranking circles within the German embassy and the Japanese government. Sorge developed a close relationship with Eugen Ott, the German ambassador to Japan, who unwittingly became one of his primary sources of information.

  5. 31 de ago. de 2024 · Meanwhile, Sorge befriended General Eugen Ott, the German military attaché to Japan and seduced his wife, Helma. [30]

  6. 16 de ago. de 2024 · He fled to the USSR, became a spy, was assigned to China, and was directed to begin covert operations in Japan. To do so, he traveled to Germany, established cover as a journalist, and was successfully introduced to Eugen Ott, the German military attaché in Tokyo.

  7. 18 de ago. de 2024 · Une troupe habituée à agir comme un État dans l’État sans se préoccuper outre mesure des autorités tokyoïtes. De son côté, Sorge noue des contacts personnels étroits au sein de l’ambassade du Reich. En particulier avec l’attaché Eugen Ott, ancien combattant de la Grande Guerre comme lui.