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  1. Professor at NYU Chief AI Scientist at Meta Researcher in AI & Machine Learning ACM Turing Award Laureate. 48K Followers.

  2. Há 3 dias · AI educator and DeepLearning.AI founder, Andrew Ng and Meta AI chief Yann LeCun joined Korea’s National AI Committee as advisors. The announcement came following a meeting between Ng and the President of Korea and the Minister of Technology. This collaboration marks a pivotal moment for the country’s AI ambitions, as it leverages the ...

  3. 12 de ago. de 2024 · During a time when neural networks had fallen out of favor, LeCun was a steadfast proponent of deep learning. He played a pivotal role in refining and popularizing the backpropagation...

  4. Há 6 dias · Yann Le Cun, es el padre de los Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), se sigue desempeñando como Chief Scientist de Facebook. Ea uno de los más destacados académicos de las NN, y tiene un curso abierto al público en el College de France.

  5. Geoffrey Hinton, Yann LeCun y Yoshua Bengio son considerados los padres de una técnica esencial de la inteligencia artificial, el deep learning o aprendizaje profundo, el cual se basa en el uso de redes neuronales para el reconocimiento de voz, la visión por ordenador y el procesamiento del lenguaje natural, y ha logrado avances en campos tan ...

  6. Yann LeCun, nascut el 1960 a Soisy-sous-Montmorency (França), és director científic d’IA a Meta (Facebook) i professor a la Universitat de Nova York. El 2018 va rebre el premi Turing. LeCun ha forjat una carrera impressionant que l’ha portat ...

  7. 6 de ago. de 2024 · Yann LeCun, Chief AI Scientist at Meta AI: From Machine Learning to Autonomous Intelligence. Summary. Introduction of speaker Osama Fayad including his background and achievements. Discussion on the current state of AI, its limitations, and applications. Explanation of self-supervised learning and its advantages in AI systems.