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  1. Countess Maria Aurora von Königsmarck (Swedish: Aurora Königsmarck) (28 August 1662 – 16 February 1728) was a Swedish and German noblewoman of Brandenburg extraction and mistress of Augustus the Strong, Elector of Saxony and King of Poland.

  2. Maria Aurora Gräfin von Königsmarck (* 28. April 1662 in Stade; † 16. Februar 1728 in Quedlinburg) war eine deutsche Adelige und Dichterin. Sie entstammte dem altmärkischen Adelsgeschlecht Königsmarck. Sie war Mätresse Augusts des Starken und danach Pröpstin des Stiftes Quedlinburg.

  3. Maria Aurora, countess von Königsmark (born May 8, 1662, Stade, Bremen [Germany]—died Feb. 16, 1728, Quedlinburg, Brandenburg) was a German noblewoman and mistress of Augustus II the Strong, elector of Saxony and king of Poland. She was for many years a powerful figure at the Saxon court.

  4. Seine 1662 geborene Enkelin Aurora von Königsmarck verbrachte den Großteil ihrer Kindheit in Agathenburg.

  5. Maria Aurora von Königsmarck was born in Stade on 28 April 1662. She was born into an aristocratic German-Swedish family that had gained European renown and enormous wealth through her grandfather Hans Christoph von Königsmarck’s success in the war for the Swedish crown during the Thirty Years’ War.

  6. Aurora von Königsmarck pe Marie Aurora von Königsmarck (1662 - 1728) a oa ur gontez alaman ha svedat, brudet he spered hag he c'hened. Serc'h e oa da Friedrich August Iañ von Sachsen (1670-1733), anavezet ivez evel August der Starke (an hini kreñv), roue Pologn.

  7. 12 de fev. de 2012 · Aurora Königsmarck (1662-1728) had already written an opera libretto, performed at the Hamburg Opera, by the time she was eighteen years old. The plot turned on how a number of women used various strategies to reject love in favour of personal freedom – a topical message in the salons of les précieuses in France.