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  1. Escrita pelo seu irmão mais novo, Thomas Wolfe, a novela conta, em quatro tempos, com quatro vozes distintas e bem diferenciadas, a procura pelo “rapaz perdido”. Apesar de ter sido escrita antes de O rapaz perdido, William Faulkner considerava Sem porta: um conto sobre o tempo e o vagabundo a sua continuação natural.

  2. Radical Wolfe appropriately commemorates Wolfe's role in catalyzing the “new journalism” movement of the 1960s. In concentrating diverse (and distinct) journalistic approaches within a single category, Wolfe's grouping was destined to be controversial, and the film candidly includes Hunter S. Thompson's objections.

  3. But Wolfe’s counterpoint is – Get Their Attention, Stupids! Content is key, which he defines as “life, reality, the pulse of the human beast.” A Man In Full is clunky at times, with its soap opera style of a rotating cast miraculously converging.

  4. I learned to type in high school because I hoped to write the great American novel like Thomas Wolfe, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald and guys like that. I believe I upset my mom with part of my plan, though. She was glad I wanted to type, but...

  5. One of today’s most respected writers of both fiction and nonfiction, Tom Wolfe was a pioneer of the “new journalism” when he wrote The Right Stuff in 1979. In Wolfe’s distinct and energetic reportorial style, The Right Stuff shares the remarkable story of the seven astronauts chosen for Project Mercury, America’s first ...

  6. Tom Wolfe was the only major American literary figure of his time with a reputation for conservatism. As academia, the college class in general, and the elite media particularly became precious, Wolfe became almost a figure of populism among our major writers.

  7. Wolfe has drawn heavily on his own experience of the contemporary scene to produce such satires as Radical Chic (1970), based on a party the composer Leonard Bernstein gave for the militant Black Panthers.