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  1. Há 2 dias · Tal como preconizado pelo mentor do sionismo político, Theodor Herzl, a “Grande Israel” vai dos rios Nilo (pertencente ao Egito) ao Eufrates (no Iraque). Para isso, foi elaborado o “Plano Yinon”, que envolve a expulsão dos palestinos para a Jordânia, a fragmentação do Líbano, Síria, Iraque e Egito, e a eventual expansão israelense para ocupar territórios de todos estes países.

  2. › wiki › ZionismZionism - Wikipedia

    Há 1 dia · Nonetheless, Theodor Herzl travelled to Rome in late January 1904, after the sixth Zionist Congress (August 1903) and six months before his death, looking for support. On January 22, Herzl first met the Papal Secretary of State, Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val .

  3. 7 de jun. de 2024 · Theodor Herzl was the founder of the political form of Zionism, a movement to establish a Jewish homeland. His pamphlet The Jewish State (1896) proposed that the Jewish question was a political question to be settled by a world council of nations. He organized a world congress of Zionists that met.

  4. Há 6 dias · In 1896, Theodor Herzl, a Jewish journalist living in Austria-Hungary, published the foundational text of political Zionism, Der Judenstaat ("The Jews' State" or "The State of the Jews"), in which he asserted that the only solution to the "Jewish Question" in Europe, including growing anti-Semitism, was the establishment of a state ...

  5. 11 de jun. de 2024 · Pareceu-nos útil restituir o pensamento do grande Papa, reproduzindo integralmente aqui o trecho onde, em seu diário, Theodor Herzl relata sua conversa com Joseph Sarto. Nossos leitores poderão assim julgar por si mesmos - e não apenas pela fé dos bispos da França. Trecho do diário de Theodor Herzl “26 de janeiro de 1904, Roma.

  6. Há 6 dias · The governor resisted the orders and La epoka remained open, even publishing a eulogistic obituary of Herzl. In this article, I examine these interviews and obituary, showing that Lévy combined his sharp criticisms of Zionism with an adulation of the Zionist leader.

  7. 10 de jun. de 2024 · Whereas Herzl had recognized an immutability in antisemitism and so sought a national Jewish homeland, Wise was determined to show that acculturation, rather than separation, would eventually relegate antisemitism to the past.