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  1. In One and Three Chairs, Joseph Kosuth represents one chair three ways: as a manufactured chair, as a photograph, and as a copy of a dictionary entry for the word “chair.” The installation is thus composed of an object, an image, and words.

  2. One and Three Chairs, is a conceptual work by Joseph Kosuth, from 1965. An example of conceptual art, the piece consists of a chair, a photograph of the chair, and an enlarged dictionary definition of the word "chair".

  3. In the case of One and Three Chairs, the central idea was to explore the nature of representation itself. We know instinctively what a “chair” is, but how is it that we actually conceive of and communicate that concept? Kosuth presents us with a photograph of a chair, an actual chair, and its linguistic or language-based description.

  4. Reflexões sobre a obra "Uma e Três Cadeiras" (1965), de Joseph Kosuth, grande expoente da arte conceitual. Aborda questões artísticas e filosóficas a partir da obra, especialmente com o pensamento de Platão e a relação do mundo da ideias ou das formas perfeitas e o mundo sensível ou material.

  5. C’est avec la série des « Proto-Investigations », reposant sur ce principe de triptyque, et dont One and Three Chairs est une œuvre emblématique, que Joseph Kosuth apparaît sur la scène artistique.

  6. One and Three Chairs is considered one of the first conceptual pieces conceived by the artist, according to a criterion that he himself described as “anti-formalist” and which, tautologically, approaches one single thought process from three separate perspectives: via the object (the chair), its representation or index (the photograph of ...

  7. Sobre o que é essa arte? E o mais importante, por que alguém decidiu expor cadeiras em um museu? Se você se identificou com o confuso visitante do museu, imagine como o público de Nova York se comportou quando a obra Uma e Três Cadeiras, de Joseph Kosuth (1945-), foi exibida pela primeira vez no MoMA em 1965. Joseph Kosuth.