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  1. In 1452 Borso d'Este, then marquis of Modena and Reggio, was raised by Emperor Frederick III with the title of duke of Modena and Reggio. In 1471, Pope Paul II formally elevated him in as Duke of Ferrara , over which the family had in fact long presided.

  2. O Ducado de Módena e Régio (a roxo escuro) e o Ducado de Ferrara (em roxo claro) num mapa com os estados italianos no século XV. Em 1452, a família italiana dos Este, senhores de Ferrara, foram criados duques de Módena e Régio, tornando-se também duques de Ferrara em 1471.

  3. Although the city of Massa had already known its maximum medieval splendor in the 11th century with the Marquisate of Massa and Corsica ruled by the Obertenghi family, the original nucleus of the state was officially born on 22 February 1473 with the purchase of the Lordship of Carrara by the Lordship of Massa in the time headed by ...

  4. O Ducado de Módena e Régio (em italiano: Ducato di Modena e Reggio; em latim: Ducatus Mutinae et Regii), também conhecido apenas como Ducado de Módena, foi um Estado italiano que existiu de 1452 a 1859 (salvo um intervalo entre 1798 e 1814), cujo núcleo se situava no que são hoje aproximadamente as modernas províncias de ...

  5. The Duchy of Modena and Reggio (Italian: Ducato di Modena e Reggio; Latin: Ducatus Mutinae et Regii; Emilian: Duchêt ed Mòdna e Rèz) was an Italian state created in 1452 located in Northwestern Italy, in the present day region of Emilia-Romagna.

  6. In 1463 Bertold II died ending the Marquisate of Este See: Modena [Borso](Borso) took over as the first Duke of Modena. –

  7. Contents 1From the Lordship of Este to the Duchy of Ferrara-Modena-Reggio 1.1House of Este 1.1.1Partitions of Este territories under Este rule 1.1.2Table of rulers 2Habsburg-Este Dukes of Modena and Reggio, 1814–1859 3Habsburg-Este Dukes of Modena and Reggio, post monarchy 4See also 5References ...