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  1. 8 de mai. de 2024 · By Pat Brennan, NASA's Sea Level Change Team. Satellite image of a massive iceberg breaking away from the Larsen C ice shelf in the eastern Antarctic Peninsula. The false-color image was captured by the Landsat 8 thermal infrared sensor in July 2017.

  2. 24 de mai. de 2024 · A large wedge of ice broke from Antarctica’s Brunt Ice Shelf in late May 2024, the most recent in a series of notable icebergs spawned by the shelf in the past few years. Soon after the break, the TIRS-2 (Thermal Infrared Sensor-2) on Landsat 9 captured this pair of false-color images.

  3. 23 de mai. de 2024 · In 2021, the Brunt Ice Shelf produced an iceberg called A-74 followed by an even bigger berg, named A-81, in 2023. The radar image on the left, captured by the Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission , shows the 380 sq km triangular iceberg on 22 May 2024.

  4. Há 6 dias · O iceberg A-83, que foi separado da plataforma de gelo da Antártica, tem uma área maior do que Ilhabela (SP) e está flutuando livre no mar.

  5. 28 de mai. de 2024 · New images reveal the birth of a massive iceberg in the Antarctic, comparable in size to the Isle of Wight. The iceberg, named A-83, spans 146 square miles (380 square km) and is about 490 feet (150 meters) thick. The iceberg separated from the Brunt Ice Shelf last week, following the appearance of a new crack spotted in satellite images.

  6. 24 de mai. de 2024 · Imagem de satélite mostra placas de gelo e icebergs flutuando no oceano. Crédito: Trismegist san – Shutterstock. As plataformas de gelo flutuantes da Antártica crescem gradualmente pelo fluxo de gelo e encolhem episodicamente pela separação dos icebergs. O equilíbrio entre estes dois processos têm impacto na sua capacidade de reter o gelo em terra.

  7. 27 de mai. de 2024 · Iceberg do tamanho de Las Vegas se forma na Antártida após rachadura. Pedaço de gelo de 380 km² é o terceiro a se desprender da plataforma de gelo Brunt nos últimos anos. Por: Beatriz de Aquino - 27/05/2024. Foto: Banco de imagens.