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  1. Histology Guide teaches the visual art of recognizing the structure of cells and tissues and understanding how this is determined by their function.

  2. This virtual slide box contains 307 microscope slides for the learning histology.

  3. Search microscope slides on Histology Guide by the name of tissues, cells, and structures.

  4. Este atlas objetiva levar o cohecimento de histologia a todos os alunos dos cursos da área biológica e ao mesmo tempo divulgar o trabalho de extensão da UFG.

  5. Histology Guide. Introduction. What the site should do for you ... The main aim of this website is to give you a virtual experience of using a microscope rather than just trawling through text and figures, or even a set of powerpoint slides. The site is divided into topics, which may be worked through in any order.

  6. O MOL é um tutorial interativo constituído de texto e imagens de células, tecidos e órgãos obtidas por microscopia de luz. Destina-se a alunos de graduação, principalmente de áreas de Saúde e Ciências Biológicas. Deve ser acompanhado do estudo da teoria, por meio de aulas teóricas e leitura de livros de texto.

  7. The Atlas of Basic Histology is a non-profit tool to be used by students of the Undergraduate Courses in Biological Sciences, Dentistry, Nursing, Pharmacy, Nutrition, Medicine, and Veterinary Medicine, who wish to prepare for practical exams.

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