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  1. Há 3 dias · After many decades, a masterpiece by Fra Angelico has been reassembled at the Uffizi: the old altarpiece with the Glorification of the Virgin. The painting has in fact just been reunited with its predella (depicting the Marriage and Funeral of the Virgin), which has been preserved in Florence since the end of the Second World War ...

  2. 10 de jun. de 2024 · Fra Giovanni da Fiesole, or Fra Angelico (1395-1455), was a Dominican friar and gifted artist of the early Renaissance. Known as “the Angelic Painter,” he created many magnificent works of religious art that adorn churches and religious houses in Italy.

  3. Há 2 dias · Outre celles de Fra Angelico, il contient des œuvres de Fra Bartolomeo, Uccello et Luca della Robbia. Ouvert tout l'été du lundi au samedi, de 8 h 15 à 13 h 50. À ne pas manquer.

  4. Há 2 dias · "La Anunciación", Fra Angelico, hacia 1426, témpera sobre tabla. Reproducción: Museo del Prado La colaboración entre el Museo del Prado y Eduardo nació casi de forma accidental.

  5. Há 6 dias · B. João de Fiesole (Fra Angélico), sacerdote dominicano. O Beato Angélico, proclamado Padroeiro Universal dos Artistas, por João Paulo II, encontra-se entre os máximos pintores de todos os tempos. Este Frei Dominicano praticava a arte de pregar com o pincel o que contemplava na alma.

  6. Há 5 dias · The Great Michelangelo Was Fra Angelico’s Heir, But God’s First. Michelangelo, “The Last Judgment,” 1536-1541 (photo: Sistine Chapel) We need only to gaze upon the Pietà, the Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s Basilica to see that he inherently understood the mission of salvation. James Day, February 18, 2024 – National ...

  7. 7 de jun. de 2024 · Juízo Final é uma pintura (Tempera no painel) pelo início um pintor italiano renascentista Fra Angelico. É pintado em 1431. O Juízo Final foi pintado para a igreja de Santa Maria degli Angeli, em Florença.

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