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  1. 6 de set. de 2024 · Neste livro analisamos o romance Coração apertado (2010), da escritora francesa Marie NDiaye, sob a perspectiva da categoria espaço, no que tange à sua acepção no texto literário.

  2. 2 de set. de 2024 · Two candidates, Justice Anukam (incumbent) and Judge Marie Ndiaye were also nominated to fill the vacancy in respect of West Africa. Justice Tchikaya was elected unopposed. Just before the elections, nominations for Judges Kimeu and Ndiaye were withdrawn paving the way for the incumbents and Judge Gaswaga to be elected

  3. Há 4 dias · Shaken by the loss of her mother, by the coronavirus pandemic, and by ‘the constantly rising threat of climate crisis,’ Calleja attempts to negotiate the world itself by treating it like a giant charity shop and scouring it for ‘green objects’ – from King Charles’ appropriations of Green Man iconography to an avocado ...

  4. › podkast › literarni-vecerMarie NDiaye - RTV 365

    19 de set. de 2024 · Priznana francoska pisateljica Marie NDiaye je odraščala ob materi samohranilki v južnem predmestju Pariza. Pisati je začela že zelo kmalu in svojo prvo knjigo objavila kot gimnazijka. Kritiki so takoj prepoznali njen pisateljski dar in ji napovedali plodovito pisateljsko kariero.

  5. Há 1 dia · Lecture Signature vendredi 4 octobre. Marie NDiaye propose une lecture du texte original et inédit qu’elle a écrit pour le catalogue de l’exposition Henri Cartier-Bresson, véritable plongée dans le processus de création, qui révèle des cheminements parfois croisés, parfois distincts, entre écriture et photographie.

  6. Há 6 dias · Marie NDiaye. Ladivine. Roman. Suhrkamp Verlag, Berlin 2014. ISBN 9783518424261. Gebunden, 444 Seiten, 22,95 EUR. Gebraucht bei Abebooks. Klappentext. Aus dem Französischen von Claudia Kalscheuer. Malinka besucht ihre Mutter Ladivine Sylla einmal im Monat in Bordeaux.

  7. Há 4 dias · - Marie NDiaye: Ein Tag zu lang. Romane. Ein Gefühlsdrama ohnegleichen. Jedes Jahr verbringt der Lehrer Herman mit seiner Frau und dem Sohn den Sommerurlaub in der franz?sischen Provinz.