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  1. Há 3 dias · The Cordeliers section, led by Georges-Jacques Danton, Jean- Paul Marat, and Camille Desmoulins, spearheaded democratic agitation in Paris in 1789–90. When the sections were created, the club soon dominated them.

  2. The Paris electoral assembly sent Robespierre, Marat, Georges Danton, and other stalwarts of the Paris Commune and the Jacobin Club to the Convention, while systematically rejecting Brissot and his allies such as the former mayor of Paris, Pétion.

  3. Há 4 dias · Si les trottoirs pouvaient voter, cette gauche ferait passer une loi pour interdire les piétons. Une chronique signée Arthur Chevallier. Consultez toute l’actualité en France et dans le monde ...

  4. Há 3 dias · Georg Büchner macht in seinem Revolutionsdrama DANTONS TOD aus dem Jahr 1835 die Unlösbarkeit dieses Problems deutlich und stellt die Verheerungen, die Gewalt bei Opfern wie Tätern hinterlässt, eindrücklich dar.

  5. Há 5 dias · Audacity was the quality most esteemed by the French revolution­ary Georges Danton (although it ultimately led him to the guillotine), and this Macron possesses in abundance. It enabled his storming of the presidency in 2017 at the youngest-ever age of 39.

  6. Há 4 dias · "Eighteenth Brumaire" redirects here. For Karl Marx’s work about the French coup of 1851, see The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon.

  7. Há 5 dias · Credere e ardire Georges Jacques Danton nasce ad Arcis-sur-Aube (Francia) il 26 ottobre del 1759. Il padre Jacques è un avvocato dal passato burrascoso: dopo la perdita della moglie e dei cinque figli avuti...