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  1. Há 23 horas · Dilluns, davant les costes de Gavà, es va poder captar un fenomen conegut com a la fata Morgana. Es tracta d’un fenomen òptic o miratge que succeeix quan la llum es refracta en passar a través de capes d’aire de diferents temperatures, que tenen diverses densitats. Això provoca que la llum desviï la seva trajectòria.

  2. Há 2 dias · Morgan le Fay, or Fata Morgana in Italian, has been in particular associated with Sicily as a location of her enchanted realm in the mythological landscape of medieval Europe (at least since the Norman conquest of southern Italy), and local folklore describes her as living in a magical castle located at or floating over Mount Etna.

  3. i just completed door 4 and i opted to stay with morgana, unaware that this would lock me into an ending that i assume is the bad ending as i know that there is another 4 doors available, i didnt save for a fairly large chunk before the ending so is there a way to speed through it or do i just have to spam click until i reach the end again? 1. 2.

  4. Há 6 dias · "Fata Morgana”, din punct de vedere științific . Științific, „Fata Morgana” este numele dat unui fenomen optic generat de devierea razelor de lumină la trecerea prin straturi de aer care au temperaturi diferite, densitatea aerului cald fiind mai mică decât a celui rece. În felul acesta se produce o iluzie optică, adică se percepe o imagine care nu corespunde, de fapt, realității.

  5. 13 de mai. de 2024 · Será que uma miragem ajudou a afundar o Titanic? O fenômeno ótico conhecido como Fata Morgana pode fazer com que uma falsa parede de água apareça sobre o horizonte molhado.

  6. 16 de mai. de 2024 · Fata morgana is the Italian name for Morgan le Fay —she of sorcery and deception in Arthurian legends. The name, in that sense, is apt, because Morgan le Fay lived in a liminal realm, behind a veil of mist and fog on the Isle of Avalon.

  7. 21 de mai. de 2024 · Ivo, Mira and Maya sailing around the world aboard Fata Morgana. Finally, we are making videos! In this first video clip, Maya is introducing herself, her family and her strange and fascinatin...

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