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  1. 14 de jun. de 2024 · Abstract: This paper explores Stanley Hauerwass unique perspective on the traditions of 20th-century North American theology and ethics, particularly his similarity to Karl Barth in viewing theology and ethics as inseparable.

  2. 1 de jul. de 2024 · This translates into a political presence that, according to Stanley Hauerwas, exists “so that the world may know there is an alternative to the violence that characterizes the relations between ...

  3. 21 de jun. de 2024 · O estresse e a ansiedade partem do medo como emoção básica; um medo que se torna crônico. Além disso, as frustrações do cotidiano podem gerar uma raiva que desemboca em explosões de amargura. Sendo assim, as técnicas de relaxamento auxiliam tanto em situações de medo quanto em momentos de raiva, fomentando a regulação ...

  4. 28 de jun. de 2024 · toward T ertullian, Origen, H. Richard Niebuhr, and Stanley Hauerwas. The latter leans. toward a nonviolent response rooted in a sense of compassion for fellow humanity, those. for whom Christ died.

  5. 10 de jun. de 2024 · Stanley Hauerwas explores the ways in which the fear of death, or more generally the…

  6. Há 21 horas · One might hear his future mentor Stanley Hauerwas’ judgment in this appraisal: The Church went out to convert America, but America converted the Church. Devotional objects adorned the Cavanaughs’ suburban Chicago home (until, as teens, William and his sister secretly discarded many of them), but his family’s “practice of the faith was primarily going to church on Sunday.”

  7. 11 de jun. de 2024 · As Christian theologian Stanley Hauerwas warned in War and the American Difference, we too often see people sacrificed “upon the altar of the nation” as war becomes “a ritual.” He particularly sees this idolatrous ritual in the U.S. context since “war remains for Americans our most determinate moral reality.”