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  1. 13 de jan. de 2020 · Contributions of Dr. John Von Neumann . In 1948, Dr. John Von Neumann made several modifications to the ENIAC. The ENIAC had performed arithmetic and transfer operations concurrently, which caused programming difficulties. Von Neumann suggested that using switches to control code selection would make it so that pluggable cable connections could ...

  2. › wiki › ENIACENIAC – Wikipedia

    Nach Ideen John von Neumanns wurde der ENIAC 1948 zu einem Computer mit Befehlsspeicher umgebaut. Dies verlangsamte seine Rechenleistung auf 1/6, aber die Dauer des Umprogrammierens verringerte sich ebenfalls, sodass insgesamt ein Zeitgewinn erzielt wurde. Der ENIAC wurde von Frauen programmiert, den „ENIAC-Frauen“, im Englischen ENIAC girls.

  3. › wiki › ENIACENIAC - Wikipedia

    John von Neumann, who was consulting for the Moore School on the EDVAC, sat in on the Moore School meetings at which the stored program concept was elaborated. Von Neumann wrote up an incomplete set of notes ( First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC ) which were intended to be used as an internal memorandum—describing, elaborating, and couching in formal logical language the ideas developed in ...

  4. › wiki › ENIACENIAC - Wikipedia

    Infatti successivamente l'ENIAC venne usato anche per scopi civili, come la classificazione dei dati dei censimenti. Inoltre l'ENIAC venne utilizzato per applicazioni scientifiche. Per esempio John von Neumann se ne servì per realizzare la prima previsione meteorologica al

  5. 3. ENIAC, EDVAC, John von Neumann e os primeiros computadores. Com o avanço das pesquisas nos campos da Engenharia e da Eletrônica, o sonho da construção dos primeiros computadores totalmente eletrônicos foi se tornando realidade. E finalmente no ano de 1943, iniciou-se o projeto de construção daquele que viria a ser oficialmente ...

  6. The First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC (commonly shortened to First Draft) is an incomplete 101-page document written by John von Neumann and distributed on June 30, 1945 by Herman Goldstine, security officer on the classified ENIAC project. It contains the first published description of the logical design of a computer using the stored ...

  7. 14 de mar. de 2013 · “Early in June, 1949, Professor John von Neumann expressed an interest in the possibility that the ENIAC might sometime be employed to determine the value of π and e to many decimal places with a view toward obtaining a statistical measure of the randomness of the distribution of the digits. …