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  1. Ben Foster era o irmão de Hayden Foster . Ben e sua mãe não sabiam do relacionamento de sua irmã com Justin . Ben descobriu somente após um amigo de Hayden - que não gostava de Justin - escolheu para informar Ben sobre ele. Quando Ben veio para escolher Hayden-se do trabalho, Hayden mentiu sobre ter um namorado e tentou escapulir para voltar ao Justin. Uma figura disfarçada atacou ...

  2. Ben Foster - Biography

  3. Ben Foster wurde als Sohn der Restaurantbesitzer Gillian und Steven Foster geboren. Er hat einen vier Jahre jüngeren Bruder, Jon Foster, der ebenfalls Schauspieler ist. Beide leben heute in Los Angeles. Seine Großeltern väterlicherseits waren jüdische Emigranten aus Russland, er wurde jüdisch erzogen.

  4. Ben Foster (actor) - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

  5. This page is based on the copyrighted Wikipedia article "Ben_Foster" ; it is used under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. You may redistribute it, verbatim or modified, providing that you comply with the terms of the CC-BY-SA. is not affiliated with the Wikimedia Foundation Cookie-policy

  6. Ben Foster (born June 7, 1984) is an American film director and producer. [ 1 ] He has directed two feature films , Strings (2012), [ 2 ] awarded on the US Festival circuit, and Time Trap (2017), [ 3 ] held its world premiere at the Seattle International Film Festival in May 2017.

  7. The Messenger (2009 film)