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  1. Whigs and ToriesWHIGS AND TORIES. The names "Whigs" and "Tories" were applied from the middle of the seventeenth century to political groupings in Parliament that were held together by shifting combinations of patronage, personal loyalties, special interests, and political principles; they were not organized political parties in the modern sense.

  2. Tories e whigs diventarono i conservatori e i liberali della regina Vittoria. La storia dei rapporti fra tories e whigs cominciò con una vittoria dei tories che, tra il 1679 e il 1681 si batterono perché non fosse escluso dalla successione al trono il duca di York, il futuro Giacomo II. Gli stessi whigs, divisi fra loro dall'ardore che ...

  3. 9 de mar. de 2023 · The Whigs and Tories were the two political parties that dominated British politics from the 1680s until mid 1800s. The Whigs stood for political reform, transferring power from the king and ...

  4. 25 de set. de 2019 · Les racines de la politique anglaise. À l’occasion du Brexit, le terme de tories a été utilisé à de nombreuses reprises, tant par les médias que par les hommes politiques eux-mêmes. En revanche, celui de whigs, qui à l’origine désignait les opposants des tories a disparu depuis belle lurette – avant même le couronnement d ...

  5. Donc les Whigs et les Tories n'ont pas d'existence légale, ce ne sont pas des partis reconnus par la constitution ou par les textes. Ce sont des mots que l'on trouve dans les pamphlets." Tandis que les rois se font de plus en plus absents sur la scène politique, une nouvelle figure émerge : le premier ministre , issu tantôt des Whigs, tantôt des Tories.

  6. › the-whigs-and-toriesBlog | Regency History

    21 de abr. de 2015 · The Whigs and the Tories The names of the two parties derive from the late 17th century when there were two political factions, one supporting James, Duke of York, the future James II, and the other wanting him to be excluded from the succession because of his Catholicism.

  7. Tories. The Tories emerged around the same time the Whigs did, that is, during the years 1678 when the Exclusion bill crisis came up. They were in support of James II, the Duke of York for him to inherit the throne after his brother King Charles II and were also in support of the Catholic emancipation this matter would bring in.