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  1. With 3.6 million members as of 2022, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland is one of the largest Lutheran churches in the world. It is Finland's largest religious body; at the end of 2022, 65.2% of Finns were members of the church. [1] The current head of the Church is Tapio Luoma, Archbishop of Turku, who succeeded Kari Mäkinen on 3 June ...

  2. 信義宗 ,或稱 路德宗 (德語: Evangelisch-lutherische Kirchen ,英語: Lutheranism ),也称 信義会 、 路德会 、 路德教派 ,為 基督新教 宗派之一,源自16世紀 德國 神學家 馬丁·路德 為革新 天主教 會發起的 宗教改革 運動,其神學思想成為改革運動的象徵。. 運動 ...

  3. In Lutheranism, the Eucharist (also called the Mass, the Sacrament of the Altar, the Lord's Supper, the Lord's Table, Holy Communion, the Breaking of the Bread, and the Blessed Sacrament [1] [2]) refers to the liturgical commemoration of the Last Supper. Lutherans believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, affirming the doctrine ...

  4. France. Protestant Church of Augsburg Confession of Alsace and Lorraine [B] 2006. 250,000. [44] [45] France. Malagasy Protestant Church in France [B] --. 10,000.

  5. e. A " Igreja alta " (em inglês: High Church) refere-se a crenças e práticas de eclesiologia, liturgia e teologia, geralmente com ênfase na formalidade e resistência à "modernização". Embora usado em conexão com várias tradições cristãs, o termo se originou e foi associado principalmente à tradição anglicana, onde descreve as ...

  6. ルーテル教会 (ルーテルきょうかい、 独: Lutherische Kirchen / Lutheraner, 英: Lutheran Church / Lutheranism )は、 マルティン・ルター により ドイツ に始まる キリスト教 の 教派 または教団。. ルター派 (ルターは)とも呼ばれる。. プロテスタント の一つであり、全 ...

  7. › wiki › LuteranismLuteranism - Wikipedia

    Articol principal: Martin Luther. Credința lui Luther l-a făcut să intre, în 1517, în conflict cu Biserica Romano-Catolică. În 1515, papa Leon al X-lea, fiind dornic să strângă banii necesari renovării catedralei San Pietro de la Roma, l-a însărcinat pe dominicanul să vândă indulgențe. Prin vânzarea de indulgențe se oferea ...